10 Meanings
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Swan Dive Lyrics

I climb, hand over hand, closing my eyes
Too scared to look down
I climb, hand over hand
Putting distance between I and I and the ground

I get to the top
I stand on the edge
I look to the sky, and say all my prayers

What could be better than a swan dive into the asphalt
I don't know, nothing can be better than a swan dive into the asphalt

You should ask somebody,. Cause I've got nothing to lose tonight
I misplaced my life tonight, chased all my friends away tonight
I don't say the right things
I don't look the right way
That's just not me
I listen to my music too loud, a watch too much damn TV

Tell me, who can control the flood?
No one
Where are the angels?
Where's the compassion?
Who knows the truth?
No one
Who will believe in me?
No one
Who will stand by me?
No one
Who will fly with me?
No one

I climb, hand over hand, closing my eyes
Too scared to look down
I climb, hand over hand
Putting distance between I and I and the ground

I get to the top, stand on the edge, look to the sky

There's nothing left for me
10 Meanings
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Simply suicide, personal worthlessness, and some self-pity thrown in for good measure. Because we are never really alone, and never really with anyone in the truest sense, exept when you find someone who likes it inside your skull. Who would you want inside your head? Someone who would not judge. Who would not judge? The very accepting, and that is usually something that comes with love. So he is simply indulging in a fantasy of emptiness that he may or may not know to be false. Poor fooker.

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like halodemon said,sucide(well duh).I personally don't think jumping would be easiest for this guy because he's obviously not to sure because he's scared and has to remind himself of all the reasons he wants to die.save up and buy urself as assload of heroin.faster.no turning back once you've really started.

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The chorus is amazing, i've never heard somethin so badass

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hell yeah suicide! but jumping would be (and is) the easiest way 4 him. guy just realised the loneliness of mankind. no one can feel the same and think the same. we are ALONE! and upon understanding this 90% of us would think about suicide.

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warhead, you fucking moron.... noone considers suicide except fucked up people... drugs will do that to u, i still like this song though

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moofer..there are more fucked up people than u kno

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"Who knows the truth? No one Who will believe in me? No one Who will stand by me? No one Who will fly with me? No one"

i love this part. it has already been used in the song "hill" but it sounds better in this song. kinda like he's saying "No one would dare walk an inch in my shoes" at least that's what i think...

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ok for one some one don't have to be fucked up on drugs to commit suicide. Trust me I know this first hand... all it takes is for someone who tries to be pushed past there limits. second I have heard this band play this song live on more than a few times, I feel the message here is that in life one can be pushed only so far and with the way this world is today its spiraling out of control a swan dive and he just wants a world wide change.
been a fan since 97 and still am a die hard fan have a conversation with the man see the band perform live and the meanings of his songs speak to you more clearly.

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Been listening to this song for decades. Suicide is a deep, lonely topic. Love the meaning and energy in this song.

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It's a constant struggle to find reasons not to shut the lights off. This life is a joke really. We are in a bubble that lasts no time, surrounded by people that only wish to be God, being force fed lies on repeat to control the masses never being allowed to be out true selves unless it is accepted by the masses under the influence of the brain washing. Nobody cares about you yet you care about others while not caring about others. The struggle is 3 fold. I'm trying to climb...to get away from myself, because I come from less than I see myself becoming...to get away from the people that only want to see me fail because society thrives on watching people fail(also me)....and to get further away from the ground because everyone wants to 'rise' to fame except it creates more haters, more snakes and more desire to end this madness which the ground will do if i get enough distance between myself and it.

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