6 Meanings
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Orange Appeal Lyrics

Half the rude you brought once has cold
We send with friends
All the evil actions worked my mood on you
As the energy comes from the waves at cliffs
Moan miss
We look for leaves on the family tree
Ah…thee won’t sing
Half the rude you brought once has cold
We send with friends

Compare an apple to an orange like in the
Dream we seen
As the energy come from the waves at Trussels
And all this hearty fruit has made my muscles grow to what you see
Half the rude you brought once has cold
We send with friends

Will you just bend

Apples and Oranges
6 Meanings
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not quite sure what the lyrics mean, but the music is super cool. its the hidden track on the cd and its my favorite... actually its the only song on the cd i can listen to...

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No I think the whole album is nice, but i've got no idea what the lyrics mean. Maybe sometimes the writers pick up words that have no meaning together to make the song more interesting, I wonder if it's the case on most controversial songs.

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well I knew it would be impossible for anyone to understand the lyrics :) I think maybe the writer(s) of this song was (were) high when they wrote this. DO oranges and apples symbolize anything anyway? btw i never hear them in the song saying apples and oranges (the last line written), instead i hear strange words which are not understandable.

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To be honest I can't make ANY sense of most of this, but the only thing that comes to mind is the line "we look for leaves on the family tree"

Is it something like an argument between a family members? The comparing of an apple to an orange could be seen as saying the two people are the same but they are not... it really makes no sense, if it has any meaning at all its more of a puzzle than a song..

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Adding to what I said above.. I'll clarify what I meant about the family tree part.

He says "We look for leaves on the family tree but thee wont sing."

He could be looking for the family to help sort it out but they don't want to get involved? I dunno its the only thing that comes to mind when i hear the lyrics.

And the end, Chumplump, I'm fairly sure he's saying apples and oranges in Spanish, or another language.

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This is from Wikipedia:

"Apples and oranges" refers to the idiom "comparing apples and oranges" or "apples to oranges", which is used to indicate that two items or groups of items have not been validly compared. The idiom evokes the apparent differences between items which are popularly thought to be incomparable or incommensurable, such as apples and oranges. The idiom may also be used to indicate that a false analogy has been made between two items, such as where an "apple" is faulted for not being a good "orange." Conversely, where the comparison or analogy is valid, the idiom will usually take the form "comparing apples with apples".

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