70 Meanings
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Everything Zen Lyrics

There must be something that we can eat, maybe find another lover
Should I fly to Los Angeles, find my asshole brother
Mickey mouse has grown up a cow, Dave's on sale again
Kissy-kiss in the rearview, we're so bored you're to blame

Try to see it once my way
Everything's zen, everything's zen, I don't think so
Everything's zen, everything's zen, I don't think so

Raindogs howl for the century, a million dollars a steak
as you search for your demi-god, and you fake with a saint

There's no sex in your violence, there's no sex in your violence
There's no sex in your violence, there's no sex in your violence

Try to see it once my way
Everything's zen, everything's zen, I don't think so

Everything's zen, everything's zen, I don't think so

Everything's zen, everything's zen

I don't believe that Elvis is dead, yeah
I don't believe that Elvis is dead

I don't believe that Elvis is dead, yeah
I don't believe that Elvis is, Elvis is

There's no sex in your violence, there's no sex in your violence

There's no sex in your violence, There's no sex in your vi-----olence

Try to see it once my way
Everything's zen, everything's zen, I don't think so

Try to see it once my way
Everything's zen, everything's zen, I don't think so


Well I don't think so, no I don't think so

Well I don't think so

70 Meanings
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1)lmao...this song is NOT about Full House. Hell, any song could be about Full House if you smoke enough ganja! 2) Im almost positive its not Minnie mouse, its MICKY mouse. I think rage.love is close. 3)Its a poke at our Western culture: We want the biggie size meals, big cars, the hottest women, ect. "...another lover" Have u seen the divorce rates in the US? Micky mouse has grown up a cow is referring to business corporations. Disney World, like most american businesses have turned into money sucking whores. Yep, turn on the news or TV, what do u see? Violence, death, destruction. But we condemn sex to restricted adult channels. I dont believe that elvis is dead, he is making fun of us. After almost 50 years we still have Elvis wanna-bees and almost worship him. He's 'dead' physically, but not dead in spirit. Other parts are pretty vague. Fake with a saint is probably him saying how fake we are when it comes to religion. But I dont know his religious beliefs so idk. But Im pretty sure thats the drift, and not about Full House lol, although a fascinating attempt.

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i was just wondering if anyone could see the connection to david bowie.... in david bowie's song -life on mars?- one of his lyrics is mickey mouse has grown up a cow, and then i noticed that bush had used it and followed it with dave's on sale again and there has been mention before of how david is often considered a sell out cause he restablishes himself to fit with the current trend of popular music, so i wonder if he was in mind when gavin wrote this song...

Yeah, I realize you posted this comment over a decade ago, but just for the record...

David Bowie is not considered a sellout by anyone who has a clue about music. Bowie continually reinvented himself throughout his entire career. He LED music into new directions multiple times and is considered one of the most innovative artists of our time almost universally.

I don't know where you got this "often considered a sellout" nonsense from, but it's absolutely wrong.

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Is it "sex in you violence" or "sense in your violence"? I know it sounds like "sex" but "sense" makes more, well, sense. I personally thought it said "there's no sex in New Orleans" the first time I heard it, so I could be wrong. Oh, and this song doesn't really seem to have any meaning, although I'm sure there is,- I can't find it. It does rock though...

@eddog29512 It's sex. I had the cd and the booklet with the lyris

@eddog29512 sex -- he's saying, the U.S. just loves the violence - there's not even any good stuff in it - like sex. People say "sex and violence on TV is bad" -- but he's saying, not really, dumb Americans just love the violence part, which is bad, but leave the sex out, which would be fine.

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everyone is right. it's about drugs, western culture, david bowie, foo fighters, full house... although full house (puke) was set in San Fran, not LA. Saw Gavin playing live the other day. Small venue, played most of sixteen stone. One of the best shows ever.

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Well, it's July 2009, and this is still a great, great song. The beginning of it is mayhem...beautiful. I believe this song is essentially saying, "we're angry, life is meaningless and nothing satisfies so what should I do? Should I find another lover, get some food...or track down my asshole brother and try to get satisfaction out of setting him straight; the new century is about to begin, religion's no good (according to him, or in other words is not an answer to meaninglessness) and for those who say, "numb out" (zen being the absence of thought and the disappearance into the bliss of "no-mind"), he says, "I don't think so". He's saying he doesn't know what to do and trying to just numb it out is not an answer...the pain of living is real and must be dealt with, not evaded.

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I used to think the chorus said "Trotsky was my wife". Even when I learned the right lyrics, it didn't help me understand the song. It still rocks though.

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I find it odd that both this song and the song "Would" by Alice in Chains have the line "Try to see it once my way." I wonder if Bush were purposely re-using Alice in Chains's lyrics. Or maybe Bush wrote this song without ever hearing "Would," and it's just a coincidence.

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this kind of sound likes a commentary on western culture. maybe an englishman, taking a look at us saying "you guys are fucked."

"there is no sex in your violence." no boobs on american tv, but plenty of blood. hmm.

"should i fly to los angeles..." while we are similar cultures, it's clear the united states' priorities are out of whack, which leads to the minnie mouse line. not that a cartoon mouse was a sex icon or anything, but a majority of americans are overweight and generally unhealthy.

of course, that's just those lines. i could be as wide right as vanderjagt's field goal last week at indy.

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I cant really explain my reasoning or why I feel this way...but I think this song is about the apocalypse..Iv always felt that about this song...dont ask me why...heck I didnt even have the lyrics right after I read them....but I still think its about the apocalypse

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I always thought it was "Trashy was my wife..." - duh. I 100% agree with Eminent Eddie's comment. GREAT SONG!

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