Voodoo Child (Slight Return) Lyrics
And i chop it down with the edge of my hand
And i chop it down with the edge of my hand
Well, i pick up all the pieces and make an island
Might even raise a little sand
Lord knows i'm a voodoo child baby
I want to say one more last thing
I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time
I'll give it right back to ya one of these days
I'll give it right back one of these days
I'll meet ya on the next one
And don't be late
Don't be late
Lord knows i'm a voodoo child
I don't take no for an answer

can't people stop declaring their stupid bullshit praise and just interpret the song? that's what this site is for, REMEMBER?

god i wish i lived to see jimi

I think it means he feels great: when you are spiritually enlightened you are supposed to be able to move mountains. Chopping 'em down with your hand is just a step further.
He is fully enjoying life and becaus eof that he misses quite some appointments. But he promises to make it up in the future. And if he passes away before you, he makes you keep an appointment for which you for sure are gonna 'be late!' So you have to make up the lame excuse in stead of him.
I really don't see how people get that wrestling thing out of this song... Could some one clarify that>

Actually, "roger wilco" is incorrect. There are two similarly named songs on the "Electric Ladyland" album which is probably causing the confusion. One is "Voodoo Chile" and the other "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)". The lyrics for the latter are shown here above. Also of possible interest is that Steve Winwood played Organ and Jack Cassidy played Bass on "Voodoo Chile"

i once read somewhere that chile meant that it was the product of something hence meaning hendrix was the product of voodoo but i cant find anything to back that definition of chile up so i dont know but i dont think it means chile he uses chile again in highway chile
@robopatrolo I read jimi was born the day Robert Johnson recorded Crossroads." That's pretty cool and mysterious.
@robopatrolo I read jimi was born the day Robert Johnson recorded Crossroads." That's pretty cool and mysterious.

Best song ever kinda lol well anyway i love jimi hendrix and saw him live at woodstock and filmore east new yrs i forget what year & i was trippn on some bad acid but he was great and i got the whole section i was in to scream voodoo child or chile or whatever i wanted to hear this version but it was the encore already so he played the other one - in anycase he looked at me and i felt like he brought me with him on the eagles wing to the outskirts of infinity.

Those guitar solos are friggin incredible. I love Jimi Hendrix. He was a god.

I have a problem here.I know that Jimi Hendrix intended for this song to be titled Voodoo Chile.Why does it turn up everywhere as Voodoo Child?That is confusing.One person I talked to even thought Voodoo Chile was Voodoo Chili.Voodoo Chile is the correct title though isn't it?

there are 2 song on the Electric Ladyland album of the sam title, the Voodoo Child (slight return) metal sound'n blitz...and the blues beauty "Voodoo Chile" but this is just a bad ass blues song with some free associated type lyrics...

God... Hendrix was simply amazing on guitar, plus it's the entrance theme of the Hulkster so it's definately one of my favorite songs.