Colour fades away
With a light descending on the day
Midnight sees your friend
Oh could you call his name
Would you know his name
But, God only knows...
Colour fades away
Good times here today
Meanwhile you would say
I close my eyes
Tell I you for anyway
Midnight is your friend
Will we see a beginning in the end
God only knows...
Colour fades away
Good times here today
Here most every day
Meanwhile you would say
I close my eyes...
and dream of only yesterday
Good time here today
Here most everyday
Meanwhile you would say
That I my eyes
Fades to grey
I dream so exciting
But I, I feel so bo...ld

yes, i also love the acoustic. seal just seems to know how to make lyrics resonate and sink in.
but does it refer to the relationship in the abstract similie of a fading painting or picture. like the picture/photo/real life is falling apart and decomposing as such and all he can do is close his eyes and block it out or just remember better times?
the reoccuring midnight could refer to his dreams and how people drift away, even when together, when we sleep we can wonder off anywhere maybe this is when its most clear to him, during a time where he is awake but wants to dream/maybe doesnt want to dream...
god, that was confusing. even i dont know what happened there - i was listening to it and it just carried me off! haha

This is both beautiful, yet hauntingly sad. I see it as a relationship where he sees things as being optimistic and new in it, yet his loved one doesn't see things as optimistic and hopeful anymore. It is a warning to focus on the present, not the past, because the past will fade into darkness and leave you with nothing (midnight). It will leave the person who sees the colour in the relationship (him) bored, because he gets no more love back. Profound. I actually think the lyrics near the end are "I dream so excited, but I - I feel so bored" is really what it is saying.

In a performance I saw on Youtube, Seal mentioned that the song was the idea that you wake up one more, and all the color was gone. I think this refers to the differences between different people: he's wishing for a world where people don't use their different "colors" against each other. Fantastic song, one of Seal's best.

It seems like a song about a cheating girlfriend, but there seems to be a lot more to it. Anyway, this is one af my absolute favorite songs!!

acoustic version is even more beautiful. bout a relationship tht eventuali loses/will lose its spark ya knw and all the passion thy feel "fades away"

in acoustic, this song is probably among the best seal has written. i have only actually heard that version though, so I don't know about the natural. must remember to get hold of it. it has a very subtle feel (at least acoustic vers. does) as though the relationship deteriorating was something that was always going to happen. no anger, only a soft sadness and fond memory.