32 Meanings
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Beat on the Brat Lyrics

Beat on the brat
Beat on the brat
Beat on the brat with a baseball bat
Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh.
What can you do?
What can you do?
With a brat like that always on your back
What can you do?(lose?)
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32 Meanings

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Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

ok here is how the real story goes... joey was sitting in the park in queens and it was the yuppy part of town and there was a kid just screaming for a full 15 minutues for a ballon from the ballon man guy with the cart. joey had a bat with him because he was praticeing hitting balls. he was so tempted to beat the shit out of that little brat. after he told the band about this dee dee the next day brought a song in about it thus making this classic

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

beat on mis brat, beat on mis brat

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

I was reading in the booklet that comes with the remastered and expanded version of the debut album that this song was inspired by some of the wealthier mothers in Queens with their prams and the brats in it.

I think of this song as one of the great four songs that open the debut album and the anthology album. It summarises part of the Ramones well - their catchy anti-social nature.

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

i think its about rich "brats", there's no profoundity in it

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

"Beat on the Brat" was written by Joey about being annoyed by an unruly little boy in a Queens playground. Joey told Jim Bessman in the Ramones book: "There was a playground with women sitting around and a kid screaming, a spoiled, horrible kid just running rampant with no discipline whatsoever."

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

Woa, it seams like alot of us heard many different stories about this song. I read in "Please Kill Me" That he was in the lobby of an apartment building and saw a mother beating her son on the head, but it wasn't with I baseball bat (I don't think) The bat part just rhymed, I think it was prolly a rolled up news paper or something

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

haha i love this song!

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

Yep, this is just an all-around cool song to have a good time to. I was in a punk band in high school (drums), and we played this and I wanna be sedated for a show. We covered the Ramones stuff because it's great, and easy enough for complete amateurs like myself to play. Ramones forever!

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

ya know what i think,,, i think this song is a greatrock antho... it goes out to everyone with their own styles....RAMONES ARE ROCK

Cover art for Beat on the Brat lyrics by Ramones

this song just makes me soo so so happy :)