Stone Free Lyrics
If i stay too long people try to pull me down
They talk about me like a dog
Talkin' about the clothes i wear
But they don't realise they're the ones who's square
And that's why
You can't hold me down
I don't want to be down i gotta move
Stone free do what i please
Stone free to ride the breeze
Stone free i can't stay
I got to got to got to get away
Listen to this baby
A woman here a woman there try to keep me in a plastic cage
But they don't realise it's so easy to break
But sometimes i get a ha
Feel my heart kind of runnin' hot
That's when i've got to move before i get caught
And the is why, listen to me baby, you can't hold me down
I don't want to be tied down
I gotta be free
I said
Stone free do what i please
Stone free to ride the breeze
Stone free i can't stay
Got to got to got to get away
Yeah ow!
Tear me loose baby
Stone free to ride on the breeze
Stone free do what i please
Stone free i can't stay
Stone free i got to i got to get away
Stone free go on down the highway
Stone free don't try to hold me back baby
Stone free oh yeah baby
Stone free got to got to get away
Stone free goodbye baby

Probly my favorit hendrix song this song describes how everyone on in this supposed to be "Great Nation" is judge mental and our always judgeing people never tyring to know them beacuse "They Look Weird" and thats what i fucking hate about amarica is all this lame ass judgeing but anyways this song dose a great job at pointing it out and it is my favorite jimi hendrix song and I LOVE JIMI HENDRIX!!!
@captainInsanity I enjoyed his music very much also. Remember he was also judged for being a Black man (Indian mix) playing to White audiences...
@captainInsanity I enjoyed his music very much also. Remember he was also judged for being a Black man (Indian mix) playing to White audiences...

Very straight-forward lyrics. The ultimate defiant song. One of my favorites.

daaaaahhhh herher stoned free DUDE THINK-just because of the title doesent mean shit about drugs get out of your fucking drug mind set think outside the box its about not giving a shit what other people think

i cant believe only 2 people have posted for this song. IT RULES, no questions asked.

This is my favorite Jimi's song. But only live version, from album The Jimi Hendrix Concerts. Realy, when you listen to this you'll realize this is the climax of his talent... Somewhere in the middle, after vocal, you feel like you have been sucked into the whirpool of vivid colors. It makes you much that, at one moment, you dont hear it any more. It's just there. U are in trance. No drugs, no emotions, no deep words, no meaning ...exept pure "music" ontology Makes me feel like that every time i listen to it. Song is about 15 minutes long, but as deeper it goes you lose sense of time. Jimi's best work ever done. For sure. Maybe at the top 5 performances ever made in history of 20st music.
Sorry if any errors in text, i'm no good in english

My favorite lines are "They talk about me like a dog, talkin' bout the clothes I wear. They don't realize they're the ones who're square". He's saying that everyone is persecuting him for being different, but they're actually the one's who are "square" for all being alike and conforming to society's views.

jimi wanted to be stone free, so he decided to get stoned free