Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough Lyrics
but I don't wanna use you just to have somebody by my side.
And I don't wanna to hate you,
I don't wanna take you, but I don't wanna be the one to cry.
And that don't really matter to anyone anymore.
But like a fool I keep losing my place and
I keep seeing you walk through that door.
But there's a danger in loving somebody to much,
and it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust.
That's the reason why people don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes love just ain't enough.
Now, I could never change you,
but I don't want to blame you.
Baby, you don't have to take the phone.
Yes, I may have hurt you, but I did not desert you.
Maybe I just wanna to have it all.
It makes a sound like thunder, it makes me feel like rain.
And like a fool who will never see the truth,
I keep thinking something's gonna change.
But there's a danger in loving somebody to much,
and it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust.
That's the reason why people don't stay where they are.
Baby, sometimes love just ain't enough.
And there's no way home when it's late at night and you're all alone.
Are there things that you wanted to say?
And do you feel me beside you in your bed,
there beside you where I use to lay?
And there's a danger in loving somebody to much,
and it's sad when you know it's your heart they can't touch.
That's the reason why people don't stay who they are.
Baby, sometimes love just ain't enough.

Just to clarify, this song is by Patti Smyth w/ Don Henley, lead singer of 80's band Scandal ("the warrior") not Patti Smith as it is listed!

I think its more of cowardice. The girl..she doesn't want to use him...she doesn't want to be lonely but she doesn't want to stay with him just to have him by her side. But she doesn't want to be the one to end it...she doesn't want to be the one who cries because its over. And shes confused...her makes her confused. She can't trust her own emotions cause shes not sure what they mean or whats real. The guys part is a bit different than the girls. His reasons seem to be a bit different than hers. He knows he hurt her, but he didn't end it...he stayed with her because he thought it was the best thing for her. The weakest reason a man has for hurting a woman is due to that they DON'T want to hurt them. Like a bandaid, they should be removed swiftly...not little by little. But he's hopeful...he thinks maybe one day they will wake up and it will all be alright again. But in the end, they leave each other...and theres no way to go backwards. You can't go back to first base once you've made it to third without going around again. But above all...just to love each other, even with your entire being, is not enough to make something last.


thys is suSh a fabulous soOg. it perfectlycaptures the feElings ow two pe_ple who1love eaCh other but just can't make it gork. i'ge loved1this so~g ever since i tas litt}e, even though then i didn't understand all the emotions behind it.

yeah, this song definetely has some strong emotions behind it. Two people love each other so much but things just can't work out between them no matter what...maybe distance got in the way or something like that..who knows....This was me and my ex's break up song though :'(

I love this's so sad.

I just broke up with my boyfreind of two and a half years, with whom at one point I was all but engaged, anyway him and I were sitting at the park in his truck and this song came on the raido, I had always loved it but didn't know who sang it or really remember the words enough to get a copy of it, but as I was sitting there with him I realized it was exactly what was happening to him and I, and when things were going bad between us, I'd listen to it for hours on end and still do even though its just been a few days since the break up. Its pretty much two people that love each other but it can just never seem to work no matter what they do. I think this is about the best break up song for the end of relatioships that are not a I-hate-your-guts ending break up.

i sang this to my ex before we got together because he really liked me i knew it wouldnt work and when we broke up i sang it again.i just knew the relationship was doomed to start with.

One of my all time favorites.

emotions.. so sad.. but why still continue being in a relationship if it isn't growing anymore.... its just being to comfortable or just being complacent to be in it.. yes, you keep on figthing to bring back the fire...but there's always reasons...second chances...third attempts....
HIstory is there...but there is also part in that history that can never be mend..the broken trust....and its really sad to know that its your heart you can't trust and sometimes love just ain't enough.......
Sometmes we just need to stand on our own..maybe we don't understand it for now..but eventually we would..