What If I Stumble? Lyrics
Why should Christians walk the Christian walk and talk the talk....around other Christians but not around non-Christians. I know it can be hard sometimes, but you have no choice if you want to live a lfe for Jesus.
right on brother..
every church that i've been to has severly hurt mr and it's caused me to become angry at God several times. someone please help me. i need to talk this out with a true christian and i don't now where to go... contact me at Nakajima85@hotmail.com
This is a song about the Christian walk and how sometimes we may stumble away from God, but when we do we should just pick ourselves up and keep on going. This is an excellent song, which many people, including myself, can relate to. The quote from Brennan Manning at the beginning is very unforgettable, yet unforunately very true. As a side note, at the dcTalk solo concert I attended, Toby said that when he wrote the song he should have written, "What when I stumble?", because everybody stumbles at least once during their life.
This must have been a hard song to write.
This song is really good, there are so many questions in th lyrics and it really questions my life and my actions and helps me get life in focus when it all goes wrong :)
great song...i was 6 when this album came out...and i still know every word on the cd hehe...i love DCTalk...they really address christian issues and make u think
this song freikin rox the house i love it
sux they split up since they aint gunna be at creation!! :-'(
Yet another amazing DC Talk song. This is so true, really makes you think of how you live your Christian life.