How You've Grown Lyrics
I remember that phrase from my childhood days too.
"Just wait and see."
I remember those words and how they chided me,
when patient was the hardest thing to be.
Because we can't make up for the time that we've
lost, I must let these memories provide.
No little girl can stop her world to wait for me.
At your age, in a string of days the year is gone.
But in that space of time, it takes so long.
Because we can't make up for the time that we've
lost, I must let those memories provide.
No little girl can stop her world to wait for me.
as the child that you never will be, you never will be
I'll never be more to you than a stranger could be.
as a child that you never will be, will be again.

I was looking through some photos this evening after a hard day in the office. I saw photos of my 2 children when they were still young. Then it hit me, wow, those days are gone... I went straight to their rooms and both of them are all asleep and 10 years older than they were in the photos I just saw. I wanted to wake them up and hug them and maybe say I'm sorry for the times when I wasn't around them, when I wasn't there to carry them in my arms. Now they're both at least 15 kilos heavier than the last time I carried them, and now that my body is much much weaker - for sure I won't be able to carry them again...
Then I heard this song on the radio... what a coincidence. "Every time we say goodbye you're frozen in my mind as the child that you never will be, you never will be again."
Then tears started to roll down my face.
It sucks, doesn't it? Here I am, some random internet asshole from the USA, replying a year and a half later... Anyway, although I have only one child, I understand. Watching her grow up breaks my heart. I try not to let it but I just can't help it. She's 9 years old now and already it's nearly too much for me to pick her up. Throwing out or even looking at toys she's outgrown breaks my heart. Playing with those huge plastic building blocks... Oh whatever... I hate it.
It sucks, doesn't it? Here I am, some random internet asshole from the USA, replying a year and a half later... Anyway, although I have only one child, I understand. Watching her grow up breaks my heart. I try not to let it but I just can't help it. She's 9 years old now and already it's nearly too much for me to pick her up. Throwing out or even looking at toys she's outgrown breaks my heart. Playing with those huge plastic building blocks... Oh whatever... I hate it.
@rpineda @despondent I agree! and i'm very curious to know how how do you feel now !? the funny thing is i read your comments YEARS ago and now after checking this oage again, i was reminded of you. its been a long time, has your opinion changed any !?
@rpineda @despondent I agree! and i'm very curious to know how how do you feel now !? the funny thing is i read your comments YEARS ago and now after checking this oage again, i was reminded of you. its been a long time, has your opinion changed any !?