Waiting For Magic Lyrics
sleeping in a coffin
waiting for you/waiting for magic
baby i'm snowwhite
sleeping in a coffin
waiting for you/waiting for magic
you look at something from a different angle
but I exist I'm waiting for you
in a coffin made of glass
baby get to know me
show who you are
give me that music
baby I'm eternal
lying in a coffin
waiting for you
in your dream a girl is dancing
close to you that girl is me
once a witch made her sleep
but a prince will wake her up it's you
reach out to get to know her
it means so much to me
the meaning of the book
o kiss me baby wake me up
join in the story of the fairytail
belive the dream you will not fail
o kiss me baby wake me up
waiting for magic for me and you o kiss me
baby wake me up
you can see me I'm the girl behind you
so open your eyes and turn around
and watch me dancing join the fairytales
that the scientists want to call the earth
but if you use your imagination
you will see her
you will find her in your dreams
it is something so romantic
I can tell it's for real you'll see
This song is the best ever! At first it may seem a bit weird, but if you look deeper you will find it has a lot of meaning. It's about loving somebody who doesn't realise who you really are and hoping they will look deeper and find you. Have a listen and tell us what you feel! ACE OF BASE 4EVER!
This song is the best ever! At first it may seem a bit weird, but if you look deeper you will find it has a lot of meaning. It's about loving somebody who doesn't realise who you really are and hoping they will look deeper and find you. Have a listen and tell us what you feel! ACE OF BASE 4EVER!
Why is it that this is the only version of the lyrics I can find on the net, and it doesn't match the song on my album?
Check out the other set of lyrics on the list at this site. I think it is the original from their first album The Sign. They made subsequent versions with more verses but I like the original one.
Check out the other set of lyrics on the list at this site. I think it is the original from their first album The Sign. They made subsequent versions with more verses but I like the original one.
Check out the other set of lyrics on the list at this site. I think it is the original from their first album The Sign. They made subsequent versions with more verses but I like the original one.
Check out the other set of lyrics on the list at this site. I think it is the original from their first album The Sign. They made subsequent versions with more verses but I like the original one.
This song is so amazingly catchy!!!
This song plays with themes of Sleeping Beauty and enchantment but it can be taken further - to ideas of eternal recurrence, resurrection from the dead and the power of sublimated desire searching for the eternal feminine...all happening on the dance floor, or in the virtual discotheque of your mind.
Gotta love the Ace of Base. There is haunting melancholy in their lyrics, and depth to their songs under a seemingly superficial surface. Very Nietzschean - but also Christian...in a Nordic sort of way.
Still listening. Still grooving. Still waiting for her to wake up. Still waiting for magic. Still waiting for the Resurrection...