18 Meanings
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Underjoyed Lyrics

The doctor released me
a case of underjoyed
No lack of nutrition
something I can't avoid

No mental condition
maybe I'm paranoid
or maybe

I'm just bored
I'm just damn bored
I'm just damn bored
I'm just damn bored

An old friend convinced me
that he was underjoyed
He never caused friction
his ego he destroyed

He made a decision
He jumped into the void
or maybe

he's just bored
he's just damn bored
he's just damn bored
he's just damn bored

Drown your fears in alcohol
everybody spills and falls
Choke on every dream you ever had

Drown yourself in alcohol
everybody slips and falls
Choke on every dream you ever had

Keep yourself in 6 degrees
no one ever comforts me
why should they bother
When I'm alone and I'm so damn bored

I am so bored
I am so bored
I am so

I am so bored
I am so bored
I'm so damned
that keeps me underjoyed
Song Info
Submitted by
catatonik On Jun 24, 2001
18 Meanings
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Hah, strange enough I can relate to this song. I am always bored I'm always thinking I'm always and this song kinda tells u about reality that "everybody slips and falls". Heh...JoJ Rocks!!!!!:)

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underjoyed seems to me like a form of Self Destruction... form unknown. she's bored , being bored makes her want to do things... cutting??? drugs??? its all about the Miss. Self Destruct in it all. and her friend too.. he was underjoyed as well. a companionship.. ahhh what bliss ;)

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i've always been a firm beliver that bordem drives you to the point of insanity

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yeh bordem does that!!! look at me!!! im bored 24/7 well theres also nothing to do in my state of Pa... well prolly just my town...

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i absolutely loathed this song first few times i heard it, but it grew on me, simply because i began to relate to it, i hated it because the music was just...pants...too simple soundin etc, like they cudve dun beter, and then it just seemed to fit, like a lil song they made up when they were bored. its great!! also i love the line 'no-one ever comforts me' its sort of a harsh pain in an otherwise cheery-ish feeling song

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What does "keep yourself in 6 degrees" mean?

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I kinda thought Keep yourself in six degrees ment like, six degrees of separation. you know? I know thats probably not how its suppose to be(and not even what six degrees of separation means..) but, your usually bored when your alone, so to stay underjoyed you need to stay away from people? I have no idea what I'm talking about now, soooo, I'll be off.

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im in love with this song, ha...

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One of my least favorite JOJ songs. I could do without it. Not too sure what it stands for. I'm always bored, am I underjoyed? Depressed? True, sometimes I feel empty inside, is this why? Maybe the boredom is getting to Jessicka and is driving her mad. She tries everything to make her have fun, but it doesnt work

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i dont like this song, its giveing the impsression that depression stems from bordom...or i think it does... i do love the word 'underjoyed' though... would love to have it tatoed across my wrist... :P

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