A320 Lyrics
Strangers they can meet there,
Dream about the day I lernt to fly.
I'm afraid of airaplains,
Even though I like their wings,
Fears to be a person in the sky.
And it's good this time.
Really don't believe it,
Gravity can pull me from this hight.
One day we'll come crashing down,
What will I do,
Never had a chance to say goodbye.
Close my eyes and hope that it's a real smooth flight
this time.
Close my eyes and hope that it's a real smooth flight,
And it's good this time.
I looked down out on the ground,
I looked down out on the ground,
I looked down out on the ground,
I look out we're going down.

To me, the song is about love. He loves being in love. I believe he's comparing love to flying. Women (the thing that takes you into love) are the airplanes. He's afraid of women because he's been hurt, but he loves the way it feels to be in love. Then he tries to tell himself that this one is going to work.
He's so excited that it happens that he doesn't realize that it could end (... don't believe it, gravity can pull me from this height."), but at the same time knows it has to because past relationships have led him to believe that (One day we'll come crashing down.)
And when he's looking at the ground and how boring life was before love, almost taking it for granite... it disentigrates (Ah look out, we're going down.)

I read so many comments on this site, about different songs by different musicians, that say songs are about drugs, and I say it here once and for all NOT ALL SONGS ARE ABOUT DRUGS!!!. Especially Foo Fighters songs. Dave doesn't use drugs. I am so sick of reading that hoary old cliche.
That said, here's what the song is about: An A320 is a passenger plane, similar in size to the Boeing 767. It's built by the Airbus company, in Toulouse, France, hence the A in the model number. It seats 150 passengers in a single aisle, two class cabin, and can travel average distances of 3000 nautical miles or 5550 kilometres.
Apparently, Dave has a slight fear of flying, hence the imagery in this song, and others, like Learn to Fly. However, Richenback's explanation is also extremely plausible.
To me, it's about the financial collapse of the airline my father and I worked for, Ansett Australia. Towards the end, they were only using Airbus A320 aircraft for their domestic services, and the lyrics in this song really describe the way the airline just suddenly collapsed, and no-one who worked for the airline knew it was coming, or had any way of saying goodbye. We all dropped from a great height of working for the greatest airline in the world, to the ground, and didn't know what to do with ourselves afterwards but feel incredibly sad.
Well, he does smoke a lot of weed lol... but then again who considers that a drug =D.
Well, he does smoke a lot of weed lol... but then again who considers that a drug =D.

I think that this song is about relationships. Dave uses the airplane to symbolize love. He says he's afraid of airplanes (committment) even though he likes the way it feels to be in love. Then he talks about the plane crashing, which is the end of the relationship. He then talks about looking forward to the next relationship (close my eyes and hope that its a real smooth flight this time). Relationships don't always work out, but he still has hope that he will eventually have a smooth flight. Every line of this song taks on special meaning to me when I think about it this way.

I think it's pretty obvious that this song is about a person who flies on a plane and is afraid but calms himself down but then the plane goes down

yes... i agree, i really love this song, but what album is it on or was it just done for Godzilla?

just godzilla, which truely disappoints me

this song is so beautiful...in a truly depressing kinda way

Two words: drug song. "Learned to fly" = first trip. "hope that it's a real smooth flight" = "no bad trips please"
acutally it's another song that reveals dave grohl's fear of flying.
acutally it's another song that reveals dave grohl's fear of flying.

i think this song is about being famous and how it can last for a short period of time. only they are using flying as a metaphor for fame. like when they say "I look down and on the ground Really don't believe it Gravity can pull me from this height" they are saying that it seams like they are invincible but they know they arent when they say "One day we'll come crashing down"
i think that your completley right
i think that your completley right
y wold you think that if the song says it is A320 it is bowt a plane
y wold you think that if the song says it is A320 it is bowt a plane

i also think its about flying on a plane for the first time. the title of the song, A320, is also a type of plane. but who knows there could be hidden references too.