The Angel And The Gambler Lyrics

Roll of the dice
Take a spin of the wheel
Out of your hands now
So how do you feel
But you're not gonna win
You'd better go back again

Do you feel lucky
Or do you feel scared
Take what luck brings
And be Devil may care
But you're down on your luck
what will the next day bring

Adrift on the ocean
Afloat in a daydream
Or lost in a maze
Or blind in the haze
So what does it matter
So why don't you answer
So why did you send
An angel to mend

Best make decisions
Before it's too late
Take all your chances
Take hold of the reins
A roll of the dice
Ahead of the game again

Nothing to lose
But so much to gain
A little danger
It goes without saying
But what do you care
You're gonna go in the end
Gate open to heaven

Is ready and waytnig
Or straight down to hell
Can go there as well

I'll suffer my craving
My soul's not worth saving
Sowhy don't you go
Just leave well alone

Don't you think i'm a savior
Don't you think i could save you
Don't you think i could save your life

There's like a hunger
That knocks on your door
You've had a taste of it
Still you want more
You've made your mistakes
Won't play it the same again

You have been warned
But still you plunge in
You play high stakes
But there's nothing to win
You've only one life
And so many things to learn

The Angel on one side
The Devil the other
Which path do you take
Decisions to make

Arrive at the crossroads
You know where you're going
And what if you wait
It may be too late
7 Meanings
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and on a side just seems like it goes on and on without anything new to mix it up...its like a metallica song in that way

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Ah I love this song, epical.

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its so cool to just listen to or put on at a party. one of blazes best songs

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if this is one of blazes best songs then im just completely baffled in every way. this song isnt that great in any way. im listening to it now. he almost sounds like hes not singing to his full potential. the music isnt great. neither are the lyrics. this is the only maiden song i can and would ever say i dont like

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I prefer the Video version as it is cut down and not as repetative. it works for me.

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This is another underrated song by IM with Blaze at the helm. This by far is the best song by IM with Blaze. Up the Irons and long "live" Eddie T. Head.

My Opinion
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I really really hate this's so un-metal that it's a pop song in my book. Sorry.

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