21 Meanings
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Iron Maiden Lyrics

Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares.
I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare.
See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor.
Iron Maiden can't be faught, Iron Maiden can't be sought.

Oh Well, wherever, wherever you are,
Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far.
See the blood flow watching it shed up above my head.
Iron Maiden wants you for dead.

Won't you come into my room, I wanna show you all my wares.
I just want to see your blood, I just want to stand and stare.
See the blood begin to flow as it falls upon the floor.
Iron Maiden can't be faught, Iron Maiden can't be sought.
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21 Meanings

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Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

scream for me dortmund...



Okay so this song is about two things, the first is about a twisted person who wants to lure someone into his room where the medieval torture device, The Iron Maiden, awaits. An Iron Maiden is an upright coffin made of Iron (no shit?) and is built with a cast ladies head on the top. The coffin has spikes on the inside so when the victim is put inside and the doors shut it pierces their body and all the blood drains from them.

The other side of the song is ofcourse about the band themselves and the fact that THEY ARE COMING TO GET YOU!... n'shit!

Anyway its a double meaning song and it's a great live closer for the band.


Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

Umm, yeah Iron Maiden, you know that the people who chopped of peoples heads with an axe and that wore those masks? Yeah those are Iron Maidens too... just thought you'd like to know that.

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

Well since an Iron Maiden is a mideval torture/execution device that was a large iron cast big enough for a person and with large spikes inside I'm guessing the song is about it.

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden (excellent) concludes all of their shows with this song. It's a pretty cool song about the torture device and how it and the band capture people.

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

Classic, one of the first songs recorded by Maiden back in '79 as one of three songs from The Soundhouse tapes EP. Their theme songs, if you will.

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

I think there is an ironic in the lyrics besides what is an iron maiden "Iron Maiden can't be faught" a message to all bands out there singing :) and guess what after quarter century still they can't be fought!

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

Paul Di\'annio did this song so much better than when Bruce did it in the Rock in Rio. But both versions rock.

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

Who spelt Fought wrong in the lyrics? Not the sharpest pencil in the box.

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

Maiden ruuuuuuuuuuule!

I agree that the song is probably about an actual iron maiden, nice images lol

Classic song... most of their songs are classics in their own right though (in my opinion anyway).

Cover art for Iron Maiden lyrics by Iron Maiden

this song is awesome.

there was a king and his wife in greek mythology. for some reason the gods made the wife have sex with a bull and she became pregant and gave birth to the minotaur. The king wanted the minotaur sealed away forever so he had his most brilliant advisor built a labrynth (maze) to keep the minotaur in. Once it was completed the advisor and his son Icarus were sealed inside with the minotaur so that nobody would ever know the way out or in. The advisor builts wings out of feathers, held together by wax. Icarus puts them on and flies out of the labyrinth. Once he flies out he become excited and continues to fly higher, to the horror of his father and the onlookers at the nearby town his wings melt and he drops into the sea and dies.

Like I said, its a great song.