4 Meanings
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The Great Commandment Lyrics

Some people suppress you
They parch you
And reap a disaster
Reeducation for the enfants
Who demanded for an innocent instance

The great commandment
Shows the contempt
Between the world and their
Embarassing pavement
Believe the scholars
Read the readings
Realize the man who says anything
The great commandment

The needies believe you
They treat you
Like survivors of a disaster
Reeducation for the enfants
Who demanded for an innocent instance
The great commandment...
4 Meanings
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Some people suppress you, They partch you. They put you down and dry you out so that you are vulnerable to anything that is taught. You will feel those teachings quench your thirst for knowledge. The disaster is the dry, partched person, without knowledge one cannot grow. Reeducation for the infants - young innocent beings knowing all that innocent children know just by watching the world in their eyes.. They are suppressed by being reeducated and being taught that the world is not what the see it to be. They demanded the world to be so, but are reeducated with a religious or political ideology which is suppressible in nature.

The Great Commandment is taken from the christian bible

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

The lyrics could mean the contempt persons have for the life path they are on (the pavement) or the path (life) being very rough for the person traveling it. So far we are born innocent, taught that the world is not how we see it when we are very young and innocent, suppressed and then forced to learn a moral code not of our own making. The lyrics are suggesting "Believe the scholars, read the readings".. The two aren't necessarily priests or religious persons, but maybe philosophers Realize the man who says anything, could be either religious or not, but it serves as a warning to not trust him and to educate ourselves.

The needies believe you...Needies, which could mean the previously mentioned partched innocents, dry and lifeless, a disaster because there was no growth. And then the reeducation again.

Fascist regimes such as nazi Germany, China, and North Korea all used to have reeducation camps where it's captives were drilled with teachings supporting their governments and regimes, and against democracy and freedom of thought. It's captives were in a way, brainwashed and that is a disaster for it's victims.

I read too much into this shit.

My Interpretation
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Just a guess but I think this song is about people that try to suppress scientific findings for their own benefit (for example, global warming)

@Gimodon Uhhh no

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I think that the song is referring to The Great Commission found in Matthew 28:16-20, in which Christ commands His disciples to spread the Gospel. The Gospel is something that the promises good to the poor and offers value to suffering lives, making it something that many in need really do believe. People that suppress it really do reap disaster (in the afterlife). According to the widespread but not universal Christian doctrine of original sin, infants are not innocent, contrary to non-Christian popular belief. Hence one might say that people with this attitude are "reeducated."

Incidentally, the lyrics above contain a type. "Enfants" should be "infants."

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Hi I am Heiko Maile,

      Thanks for loving our brand, actually this song is for a memory of a man, whom we three- me, and my partners Marcus and Oliver brutally  murdered in 80's we need to make money that time so we committed that crime & inscribed the scenarios in special ways, now we are guilty as we have become older and older our memories are getting stronger. Please I request the audience for apology and we are ready to surrender and follow law and order for this crime.
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