34 Meanings
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Dark Shines Lyrics

Passing by, you light up my darkest skies
You'll take only seconds to draw me in
So be mine, and your innocence I will consume

Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
Because it's good

Hold your hands up to your eyes again
Hide from the scary scenes, suppress your fears
So be mine, and your innocence I will consume

Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
Because it's good
Your dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
Because it's good
34 Meanings
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I think everyones along the right lines. This song shows the contradictory feelings of the man described. He is overwhelmed by desire on seeing this young girl, the first lines showing how she lights him up and takes "only seconds to draw me in". However, as seeing her as a symbol of purity, youth, innocence and chastity, he knows that in fulfilling his desires he will take this quality away from her: "And your innocence I will consume" This knowledge of what he could destroy haunts him, the chorus expressing his pain. His contradictory feelings are also clear from the second verse, urging her to avoid him, "Hide from the scary scenes", yet wanting her to "surpress her fears" and fulfill his desire. The title captures the contradictory feelings, "Darkshines", and even the piano part shows the conflict within the man described through the dissonance leading to the chorus.

This is another emotive and powerful song showing the quality of Muse. What a band!

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Its about a guy who likes a girl because she represents to him something good and pure and wholesome, but then he views himself as all dark and twisted. he is drawn to her goodness, but he knows that if he gets closer to her his presence will defile her. and yet he cant help but be drawn in. it reminds me a little of Valmont from dangerous liasons.

or it could be the opposite...

but then "dark shines" is the lure of the girl who lights up his "darkest skies" meaning she brings out his darkest desires. like the sort of person that makes you desire them in an evil way? Like some girls have this quality. they look all innocent and child-like, but they are at the same time alluring and... naughty. like natalie portman's character in closer..

i like how the song is interpretable in two different ways. I think it shows how the singers world gets all mixed up by his desires. i like the vampire comparisons. i like also how in his psychology it is unclear who is the predator and who is the prey. who is luring who in..

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Originally I thought this song was about rape, too, like Flah said. But now I think it's about the whole promiscuous sex/groupie thing that has been mentioned. Because, in the chorus; 'dark shines bringing me down making my heart feel sore because it's good'

I believe this is Matt, or whoever the song is about saying that sleeping with these (young, innocent) women is good, however, it's bringing him down emotionally because it makes his heart feel sore, perhaps because he desires something more, which may be love, a real relationship etc. Love is within our heart, and this may be heartbreak. I don't know, but that's how I feel about it.

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Like everyone has said before, I think it's about a guy who's dangerous or has a darkness inside of him and doesn't want it to affect the sweet, innocent girl he's falling in love with.

Ex: "Dark shines Bringing me down Making my heart feel sore Because it's good"

He's drawn to her because of how pure she is, but at the same time he's having an internal dilemma about ruining her pureness, almost like he'd be desecrating something holy by getting too close to her. He feels she should never be touched by the likes of him, yet all he can think about is touching her.

Ex: "Passing by you light up my darkest skies You'll take only seconds to draw me in So be mine and your innocence I will consume"

He also seems to be afraid of scaring her away with how dark he is, yet at the same time he wants her to embrace the "scary things" about him and love him. He knows he's no good for her and has tried to scare her away and maybe even avoid her, but he keeps being drawn in and can't stop wanting her.

Ex: "Hold your hands up to your eyes again Hide from the scary scenes, suppress your fears So be mine and your innocence I will consume"

But he fears doing so will make her dark like him and yet he wants her to be like him. Eventually, he probably doesn't even try to run away anymore, but he still feels guilty about making her dark. Yet at the same time, he loves what he's doing.

Ex: "You're dark shines Bringing me down Making my heart feel sore Because it's good"

Yes, it sounds like a vampiric relationship, but I think it could be used for other relationships as well. There's a lot of self-loathing in this song, yet a lot of longing to be loved. I guess opposites really attract in this case.

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i can't believe no-one has commented on this song! what is wrong with you people?!!! i think this is one of the many good songs featured on the album. it makes so much sense

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I think its about having meaningless sex with strangers. He knows its a bad thing to do but it just feels so good that he con't stop. This probably completly wrong but thats what this song says to me.

I think this is less about the the sex itself and more about the deep psychological pain and the addiction that it evokes. I tend to look at the album as a whole, and earlier songs in the album suggest the same need and guilt: "give me all the peace and joy in your mind" from Bliss suggesting an earlier, less malicious form of the desire. A deeper, more consuming form of it is evident in Space Dementia:"...I'd cut your name in my heart. we'll destroy this world for you" "wash me away, clean your body of me" from...

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definetly thye meaningless sex theme, ur right. but maybe the whole idea of inocent groupies,using them like a kind of objcet (taking away their innocence) for his pleasure (maybe not what he does, but he may know bands who do). Once their in the room they can't leave so they have to go through with it.

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I thought Matt's groupies days were over. hmm. Anyway, groupies aren't all that innocent anyway. They know what their doing. They go in their to fuck the guy. I think it's about his Italian girlfriend. Dark shines - dark hair, maybe. The song has similar themes to Bliss - might be the same girl.

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I like the idea of the meaningless sex explanation. For some reason, the darkness theme makes me think of vampires. Hmm. Its a very lusty song.

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god what muse song isn't LUSTY passionate, always

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