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Burning Rope Lyrics

The warming sun, the cooling rain
The snowflake drifting on the breath of the breeze
The lightning bolt that clears the sky for you
Yet only eagles seem to pass on through
The words of love, the cries of hate
And the man in the moon who seduced you
Then finally loosed you

You climbed upon a burning rope to escape the mob below
But you had put the flaming out so that others could now follow
To be out of the bounds and the barks of those who do not wish you well

You must blaze a trail of your own, unknown, alone
But keep in mind
Don't live today for tomorrow like you were immortal
The only survivors on this world of ours are

The warming sun, the cooling rain
The snowflake drifting on the breath of the breeze
The lightning bolt that clears the sky for you
Yet only eagles seem to pass on through
The words of love, the cries of hate
And the man in the moon who seduced you
Then finally loosed you

You're old and disillusioned now as you realise at last
That all you have accomplished here will have soon all turned to dust
You dream of a future after life, well that's as maybe, I don't know

But you can't take what you left behind, you're all alone
So keep in mind
Don't live today for tomorrow like you were immortal
The only survivors on this world of ours are

The warming sun, the cooling rain
The snowflake drifting on the breath of the breeze
The lightning bolt that clears the sky for you
Yet only eagles seem to pass on through
The words of love, the cries of hate
And the man in the moon who seduced you
Then finally loosed you
5 Meanings
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Life is a burning rope, the song is all about living your life to the full enjoying all what's around you...the warming sun etc

Don't live today for tommorrow like you are immortal... Great lyrics as usual...

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The lyrics are a propos to the aspiring and emulating teenager/adult who wants to be different than the "mob below", and aspires to some type of greatness that one day when he is released from this "man in the moon" scheme, he will see he was a fool and all was in vain.

We see he is an insecure person, that fears the malice and shame from others, and only wants to be above others, so he/she does not feel the shame from others. The true motive of ambition is fear of others.

Yet even in mature reflection, his/her heart desires another type of fame, to be found in the after life. Perhaps there is an after-life, or perhaps he remains as vain.

The Stoic-Christian, theme of the transitory nature of life, the solitary life of the soul, and the pursuit of vain-glory, fame, and honor are in all in vain too is an important theme.

My Interpretation
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I have to be honest: I think TB started with the two lines about climbing up a burning rope but putting the flames out so that others could follow...and tried to build a whole song on top of that. I've always felt that this song lacks lyrical depth.

It does have the romantic and dramatic trademark of Banks around that time. It's like a mini One For The Vine in some respects.

Song Meaning


Mini is the perfect description

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This song seems to be connected with "Undertow". There we hear a warning cry to Man not to let his life go by, and here we see someone who tried to achieve something special (reach the Moon) and distanced himself from other people. Now there is no going back, there is no assurance that he will succeed. But there never is...

And of course, the instrumental part is amazing...

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Similar themes to the rest of this album, but especially Undertow. Mortality and living the best life might just be the themes of this entire album.


Sadly, man himself is not immortal and will never be. No matter how much he/she/we want to live in that kind of completely delusional world. God is the one and ONLY immortal. The beginning and the end.

That's why satan was just a little tiny, wimpy, gardener snake.

Only a supporting character, if you will. Rarely mentioned.

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