Opportunities (Let's Make Lots Of Money) Lyrics

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money
You've got the brawn, I've got the brains
Let's make lots of -

I've had enough of scheming and messing around with jerks
My car is parked outside, I'm afraid it doesn't work
I'm looking for a partner, someone who gets things fixed
Ask yourself this question: Do you want to be rich?

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money
You've got the brawn, I've got the brains
Let's make lots of money

You can tell I'm educated, I studied at the Sorbonne
Doctored in mathematics, I could have been a don
I can program a computer, choose the perfect time
If you've got the inclination, I have got the crime

Oh, there's a lot of opportunities
If you know when to take them, you know?
There's a lot of opportunities
If there aren't, you can make them
Make or break them

I've got the brains, you've got the looks
Let's make lots of money
Let's make lots of -
(Aahhhhh) Money
(Aahhhhh - Di du da di da bu di ba)

You can see I'm single-minded, I know what I could be
How'd you feel about it, come and take a walk with me?
I'm looking for a partner, regardless of expense
Think about it seriously, you know, it makes sense

Let's (Got the brains)
Make (Got the looks)
Let's make lots of money (Oohh money)
(Let's) You've got the brawn
(Make) I've got the brains
Let's make lots of money (Oohh money)

I've got the brains (Got the brains)
You've got the looks (Got the looks)
Let's make lots of money (Oohh money)
Song Info
Submitted by
numb On Jun 22, 2001
16 Meanings
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Just listening to the song and the lyrics, I seem to get the idea it's about prostitution. Very sly and under the radar... but still prostitution.

My Interpretation
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Pet Shop Boys should have gotten more credit for talent and originality

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I'd say this is more about sexual opportunities than business ones. 'Let's make lots of money' is a euphemistic way of saying 'let's have lots of sex'. I see the guy with the brains bragging to the other with the good body about his achievements and propositioning him. It may be he is paying for the sex too; there are a number of lines that suggest that. It's a clever song because it suggests a working relationship and sexual relationship might not be so different.

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Two releases of this and I'm not sure which I like best. The first, almost quietly spoken in a sinister way, the second, shouting from the rooftops. In the first video, Neil looked suspiciously Jewish, with a colourful 'production' line theme for the second. An 'opportunist' is an Arfur Daley or Delboy type - one who takes advantage of another's "talent" (the talent of being a mug) for money.

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OMG- the absolute favorite of my best friend and me when we were teenagers in the 80's! We listened to that song about 100000 times and more, we turned it up loud, so our whole neighbourhood enjoyed this marvellous song as well, ha ha! Now, about 30 years later, I still love it! There are two versions and I dont't know, which one I like more. The second one's got from beginning till end so much power and rhythm, the first one's much more quite, but I prefer the video of this one. Neil is looking there so damn sexy intelligent and distinguished with his suit, hat and glasses and I love his arrogant gestures and facial mimics throughout the whole video, especially at the second verse, telling about his intellectual achievements- so genius! Well, what's this song about? I think, it's from all about the others already wrote before: a wind-up about two losers making fast money, maybe a sexual line about looking for a partner icl. all benefits, but in my opinion the combination of brains, brawn and looks is in deed the best combination for making lots of money- if you do it the right way. But there are two phrases in the song which I don't quite understand, maybe someone can help me: in which context do you see "My car is parked outside, I'm afraid it doesn't work"? Is it just to have a rhyme? Or does the jerk's car not work of whom he's had enough of? Euphemism for something sexual? And "Doctored in mathematics" is always translated that he has a degree in maths, but doctored actually means something like betraying. I'm not from the U.K., so maybe I'm wrong with the translation und maybe someone can help me? Anyway, great song!!

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It's a guilty pleasure, but what can I say? I love this song.

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NOT a guilty pleasure........... But what can I say? This song is great... Like the Pet Shop Boys. I don't know what this song is about, but nevertheless it is a great song.

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For me this is a glorious send up of all things consumerist, again Tennants lyrics are top notch, showing that writing for Smash Hits paid off nicely... u can't get more 80's than this, tho the production beats the pants off Stock, Aitken and Waterman anyday!! PSB's are the best (and most underatted) pop act of the 80's apart from the Police.

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I've got the brains,you've got the looks,lets make lots of money.A classic line.

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Classic line, classic song and classic video. Classic Pet Shop Boys.

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