Kokain (English) Lyrics
The white fairy is bending her bow
Shoots into the face of my worries
and out of the two halves breaks
the father of all mirrors
and he`s whispering in my ear
I`ll keep you as my own blood
you are the nicest child of all
in me even the evil is good
the white fairy she sings and she laughs
she made me pregnant violently
and is torturing me through the night
the father of all mirrors
and he`s whispering in my ear
I`ll keep you as my own blood
you are the nicest child of all
in me even the evil is good
still being a bitch in the cradle,
watch me while I give birth,
and devour the own afterbirth.

" We got ourselves a writer her. Well Dad, I can't see too well. Is that Bill Shakespear over there?...Dad I wish you would just shut you big YAPPER! Now I wonder, Brian, from what I heard you're not using your paper for writin', but for rolling doubies.

... You're gonna be doing a lot of doubie rolling WHEN YOU'RE LIVING IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER!" - Matt Foley, insperational speaker who 35 years old, thrice devorced, and eats a steady diet of government cheese IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER.

Ummm, hey... Mr. Wilhelm... Let's stick to the music, okay? This isn't SNL, and Chris Farley is dead. Get over it.

Actually it's "the most beautiful child of all".. But anyway, I think this song really is the most beautiful song ever! Lyrics are amazing, (though there are too many mistakes here). If it wasn't named Kokain, I guess you could find very many different things there. It could be about a lover who betrayed you. Or about life...

hey I liked that, I say he can do the shtick if he wants. The song is about drug use, cocaine to be exact

This translation is awful. I'll try a better one, it will be far from perfect - and yet an improvement. Here we go: "If the friends are well disposed | the Fairy White will arch her bow, | shoots my troubles in the face, | and on both sides the mirror cracks, | the father of all mirrors. || He beckons me, and I reach down, | he whispers softly in my ear: || You are the most beautiful child of all, | I'll keep you as blood of my own blood. | You are the most beautiful child, | In me even evil will be good. || Curiosity prolongs my dream, | the Fairy White, she sings and laughs, | having forced me into expectancy, | and tormenting me throughout the night | is the father of all mirrors. || You are the most beautiful child of all, | I'll keep you as blood of my own blood. | You are the most beautiful child, | In me even evil will be good. || And as I defy the pain of birth, | still whoring in the maternity bed, | I watch myself as I give birth | and devour my own afterbirth. || You are the most beautiful child... "

till did cocaine and imo richard did it, too (back then when sehnsucht was released). i read about it in german playboy.

Can anyone explain to me the meaning of 'der Vater aller Spiegel' or 'the father of all mirrors' and how it relaes to the song... i dont get it

idk but its sounds cool when chris or till whoever sings it

"the father of all mirrors" may mean phantasmagoria (Till tries to hide song's inner meaning with the song title, hrmph, maybe)