45 Meanings
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Mutter (English) Lyrics

The tears of a crowd of very old children
I string them on a white hair
I throw the wet chain into the air
and wish that I had a mother

No sun shines for me
there was no breast that cried milk
there is a tube that sticks in my throat
I have no navel on my stomach


I was not allowed to lick any nipples
and there was no fold to hide in
no one gave me a name
fathered in haste and without sperm

For the mother who never gave birth to me
I have sworn tonight
I will send her a sickness
and afterwards make her sink in the river


An eel lives in her lungs
on my forehead, a birthmark
remove it with the kiss of a knife
even if it causes me to die


An eel lives in her lungs
on my forehead, a birthmark
remove it with the kiss of a knife
even if it causes me to bleed to death

Oh give me strength
45 Meanings
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you cant always take translated lyrics litteraly,this song is a perfect example of badly traslated lyrics.all the band members say this is about peoples relationsin an interview with Circus magazine,guitarist Richard Kruspe said this song was about singer Till Linderman's relationship with his mother,the translated lyrics dont reflect that though,the translater probably used the litteral meaning for every word or it dosen't translated into english very well like so many other songs.

I speak fluent german...this is how the lyrics would appear in English, in the correct format. They aren't a band that gives exact verbs and meanings, they leave things open for interpretation. They purposely create controversy like this, perfect example Du hast, they created an English version of the song, to confuse people, the lyrics translate to "you have me" not you "you hate me" they've admitted to it. They like to play with words and phrasing, and metaphors. It goes deeper than...oh hey I did this, and then this, and it made me feel this way. The feelings are...

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You should look further then just lyrics, I am also a fan of tool, if you take their lyrics litarally it wouldnt make any sense at all, take your time and analyse the lyrics, I think Mutter is about a child ((maybe Till)) who never knew his mother cause she was never around, or dead, and that a baby sitter or stephmother took her place, and the child hated that person that took his mothers place

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Me thinks this song is about a test-tube baby. Pretty self-explanatory I'd say.

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Just my thoughts on the video..

As people have noticed, both characters are Till. One, in my opinion, is the symbolic mother. The other is the child. He is trapped in a prison of ignorance and doubt, angry at his 'mother' for abandoning him, and yet at the same time wishing for his/her presence.

Notice that the child wishes harm to the mother, for abandoning him, and yet when it shows the mother floating in the water, the child says "Mother? Mother?! MOTHER!", in anguish.

The last words, "give me strength", show acceptance on the part of the child. He realizes that he cannot live without the mother figure he hates so much.

I don't speak fluent German, nor am I Till, so I cannot say that I am correct. Even if I am, whether it represents the feelings towards his mother, or a nod towards the current baby/science debate doesn't matter. Music is meant to be a message, even if it's different for each person.

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When you think this song is about an aborted child, it sounds even more brutal.

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what a strange thing to write a song about...

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i know

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who cares if they used the literal translation I mean its still a good song either way that you translate it and personally I think that its spossa be trans'ed that way if you listen to how they sing it, the tone of their voice matches better then any other way

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this s my favorite band! go RAMMS+EIN! and i agree with oxygenwastingloser... the literal meaning does not mean what they meant in the song.

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this song is weird compared 2 rammsteins other songs, not unless it's badly translated!

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