60 Meanings
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Ich Will (English) Lyrics

I want

I want you to have faith in me
I want you to believe in me
I want to feel your eyes
I want to control every heartbeat

I want to hear your voice
I want to break the silence
I want you to see me well
I want you to understand me

I want your fantasy
I want your energy
I want to see your hands
I want to go down in applause

Do you see me?
Do you understand me?
Do you feel me?
Do you hear me?

Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Can you feel me?
I don't understand you!

I want

We want you to have faith in us
We want you to believe in us
We want to see your hands
We want to go down in applause - ja

Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Can you feel me?
I don't understand you!

Can you hear us?
Can you see us?
Can you feel us?
We don't understand you!

I want...
Song Info
Submitted by
john M On Jun 20, 2001
60 Meanings
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i think this song is about how outsiders want people to see them and want people to notice them so they do sumthing tht is so daring tht people will remember who they are

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to add a pitiful defense of americans, yet still a defense, it must also be considered that even though we do learn languages (and many of us do indeed learn many languages despite general opinion), theres very little place to actually put these languages to use and without practice sometimes a language can lose its value -- the entire continent in Europe barely fills any section of the United States and you can travel across down the road or next door and get a different language, we have to cross and ocean to get any real wide spread use besides as mentioned earlier, spanish and french, but even still, english is still used more so the practice just is not there

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Its kind o'fun to listen to you guys! Well, i'm Norwegian! and i've noticed that there are rammstein-fans from multiple countries here. I saw that one of you claimed that many of european and other foreiger citicens knows english... well,i've bin in at least 7 different european countries, and only half or belov this knew the english language well enough to communicate and make themselves understood. as an example:We (my class) were in the peoples republic of czeck for approx. 3 years ago. We were a gang of 4 boys out to rent a VCR. In the store, we expressed ourseles in six different languages,- and let me say it so: no way in hell they understood what we really ment.. haha in our faces. No VCR that evening. I know german well enough to understand a lot of the lyrics. Norwegian and german aren't that far from eachother linguisticly seen. some words look almost the same f.ex. "hören" in german is "høre" in Norwegian (ö=ø) and in english its "hear". Actually you can see the similarity between all these languages. Not all people knows english because of too little contact with the language,as in most eastern european and southern countries,english films and more are dubbed to their domestic language.Ever seen "E.R." dubbed in czeck? hysterical rediculous! In Norway English films are only subtitled. and 60% of the films are English/American. We also watch The fast and the fuorious, Matrix-reloaded,saving private ryan, titanic and so on. thats not my point. we also have German series and other stuff. our country are multilanguistic. And the only music-genre Norwegian is known by,is Black Metal.so we listen to other well developed languages in music-among them -german.Rammstein are interpreting the german language so well that its almost impossible to translate it to English. Thats what makes the rammstein-lyrics so interesting to listen to-IN GERMAN! some translations in english are almost as rediculous to watch as the czeckdubbed"E.R" So a little more acceptance for the german language would be convenient. I heard my first Rammstein-song for four or five years ago. i was stunned after a couple of songs. How all the components matched together:the lyrics,-the language,-the tones- ALL of it! its so original and unduplicatabe. i have so many superlatives for rammstein that would take me years to write here. Obviously not everyone likes rammstein and industrial technorock or whatever we shall categorize rammstein as. And we should accept this. But as this, it should be accepted from the opposite direction too. So dont write crap about music you cant understand. it does`nt suit you.

Thanks from Michael(and sorry for the language,it will never be perfect :o) )

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Dont be an American DUMB ASS thats how, I'm not German and I understand them perfectly I am Dutch, and we get the opertunity to study Germand French and English in School, how the f*ck you think I can type english like this, I studied for it, you are all to proud to learn other languages but it only puts you behind in society!!! dumb asses

Not all of us are so proud. Please know that. Personally I wish to leave America as soon as I'm out of college, also I have studied multiple languages.

alright, fuck you and ill tell you why. in america we can learn many different laguages of our choice. also why did u learn english if were dumbasses? you also used the wrong "to" it shoukd be "too." so i guess your not smart enough to learn the difference. everybody has their own opinion on what bands they like so dont call someone a dumb ass for having an opinion.

Buddy obviously doesn't know about Westernization. Otherwise, he would understand why Kookkie would learn English.

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I think that when they say "I don't understand you" they mean that they can't understand how, after learning that all they want to do is control the people, the people still go along with what they tell them to do. Basically, saying, I don't understand how you can be so blind/naive to whats going on.

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Nobody else thinks this song is about Ghosts?

Song Meaning
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ok, i know it all now....this rocks, thanks guys, always wanted 2 know what the f*** these guys were on about

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i think this song is about how outsiders want people to see them and want people to notice them so they do sumthing tht is so daring tht people will remember who they are

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Don't jump to any conclusions, I'm actually English and i speak French, Spanish and English. Who is the dumb ass now?! Also u claim that your not stupid so why the fuck do u listen to shit music like this?! You should take a leaf out of our book in England and listen to REAL music!!!

Hey bud. word of advice. Don't come on to a page about Rammstein and diss them. if you don't like them, then don't look them up. simple as that. So go back to your sissymusic and leave us be.

This is music! How about you come up with something better? Didn't think so.

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Hold on, I'm English and I like Rammstein. What's your point?

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