Every Penny Fed Car Lyrics
And it still won't take you where you want to go
So you spilled every last penny into your car
And it still won't take you where you very far at all
So you spilled every last penny into your car
And it still won't even barely leave your home
So you spilled every last penny into your car
And it still won't take you where you need to go
So you spilled every last penny into your car
And it still won't take you where you anywhere at all

Jeremiah Green is so underrated as a drummer. He really is fantastic on this song and it's so early in their career. Most complete drumming of his is probably on Building Nothing Out of Something and The Fruit That Ate Itself CDs.

@ross2p I definitely agree, waaaaaaaayyyyy too commercialized. Not enough real emotion like their previous albums. True music appreciators would understand. There is ok qualities of all mm cds but they steadily get more and more produced, less authentic.
@Theo Reo MAybe because he's saying something that he really wants to be heard, not just in one ear and out the other. And if you want to analyze a new aspect of the song, get some good headphones with good bass and check out Eric's bass line. It totally completes the song in my opinion
One of my favorites on the album since the first time i heard it

God damn I love this song, everything about it, so sad, so true, so.... good.

i love this song too :P

Eh, too repetitive. One of my least favorite on Sad Sappy Sucker.

this is an awesome song. i love the begining and how crazy it is. i like how isaac's voice sounds different on sad sappy sucker.

i never thought of it that way reall having a blast, good thinking
i've always liked this song, there's something about it, the lyrics are simple, yet they still get to me

i can relate to this song.. because my car get's shitty gas mileage

sad sappy sucker is one of there best cd
the "moon of antarctica" and "good news for people who love bad news" are there worst cds so far there still good just no as good

Issac definitly wrote this song when he was drunk and depressed. it definitly has the same themes of working hard but not succeeding that much of their early work has.