22 Meanings
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Australopithecus Lyrics

Australopithecus, friend to the end and but it's over
Over, over again
You wanted to chase around the cat and the dog
While they're playing like that and I said
"What's the matter, friend?"
Australopithecus, friend to . . .
Song Info
Submitted by
numb On Jun 19, 2001
22 Meanings
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99% of humans are hairless apes that live to fuck. The 1% that aren't still need to fuck occassionally or they go insane.... I sure like to fuck, not as much as most people, but man, its fun, life is fun, thats what its for, its for fun.

Yeah, you live you die whatever, in the end what can you really say about your existence?? No aspect of any human will exist after the sun goes Nova, sure its a long time from now. But if you are going to justify your life according to some wacky desire to do something meaningfull you need to be aware of the fact that such ideas are indeed meaningless. Therefore, the only thing that matters is the now, which means, lets fuch and have some fun.

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this one makes me think about the ever-persistent question of whether or not humans are that much more evolved than our ancestors, or if we're still just hairless ape-men who live to fuck. if you think about it, a lot of our base desires and a lot of our actions center around sex and primitive drives.

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I love how there so much meaning in the song just cutting off as he is singing "Australopithecus, friend to the..." Everything comes to an end.

@SparklingLemonade Haha, I never even noticed that! I wonder if it was on purpose.. could be, he's pretty witty

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this CD definately doesn't suck. It's just much more difficult to pick to significance and meanings out of each song. This is pretty obvious, compare say Float On of Spitting Venom to Australopithecus. They were much less conventionally musical and articulate in their meanings (intentionlly or no).

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Is it weird that SSS is my favourite Modest Mouse album?

Not at all. Its a tragically underrated album.

It's my favorite album too. It's so raw and personal. However whenever I tell anyone it's my favorite album they tell me "That's not a REAL album". Those people suck.

@Calebdaguy I have a few of theirs tied for favorite, but this one is included. I agree, it's raw and more personal-sounding, shows the roots of his sound (and still blown away by Jeremiah's drumming, how old was he for this, like 17?). Gives me a weird nostalgic feeling just hearing the young Isaac doing his thing before anyone knew him, it's an odd album that way.

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----australopithecus. must be a dino breed.

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is australopithecus a name or does it mean something?

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Australopithecus is, in simple terms, one of our early evolutionary ancestors, now extinct.

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This is my favorite of their 30 second songs.

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Australopithicus: An early form of man that walked on two feet.....well, this was the definition I got from watching this thing on the Discovery Channel. Poor American, that's a great statement, man. I think you've got a better theory on the meaning of life than the greatest scientists who've ever existed.

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