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Hush Lyrics

She got it all
The boys they would crawl
Away from her door then they come back again
But don't let 'em in
Smoking their gin
Leaving their best foot out in the cold
I'm a waste of a momma's boy
It's a shame they say
There's so much you know he'll never enjoy
All the love you come to destroy
There's a moment lost in time
When she says hush
I'm on your side
It's just the two of us
You know that I
You know I'll never say goodbye

She smiles for me
It don't mean a thing
It don't take away the way it was before
I'm foolish and grown
I should've known
Her's was a world made for just one throne
I'm a waste of a momma's boy
It's a shame they say
There's so much you know he'll never enjoy
All the love you come to destroy

How many days can you waste it boy
It's a shame they say
There's so much you know he'll never enjoy
All the love we come to destroy

There's a moment lost in time
When she says hush
I'm on your side
It's just the two of us
Though they might try
Song Info
Submitted by
nuklear On Jun 18, 2001
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for Hush lyrics by Angie Aparo

I absolutely adore this song. This is the song that we listen to on quiet nights when we drive really fast on really long, straight roads with all the windows rolled down. You should try it sometime.

Cover art for Hush lyrics by Angie Aparo

This is my favorite song. I ordered Angie Aparo's CD recently because of this song. It reminds me of my boyfriend, some of the things he says to me sometimes. The lyrics and music are just amazing! It's a fun one to blast really loud on cool summer nights.

Cover art for Hush lyrics by Angie Aparo

this is a great song that talks about that moment with ur girl when its just the quietness and ur just loving being there with her ......i've met this guy before and he is as good live as he is on cd and u would think him to be a boy-band looking type but he kinda resembles dave draiman in person the bald head and all and his live performance was what got me to buy his cd ....and yes it is good for us guys to listen to when we are with are girls cause it just fits at those times

Cover art for Hush lyrics by Angie Aparo

This song is about a girl who played him..."I should have known her's was a world made for just one throne" Think about it, he's saying that he should have realized how selfish she was...it was good at the time but he was young and foolish. My ex boyfriend got me turned onto Angie through this song and I have never turned back...he is by far my favorite ever...and I'm from Georgia and he calls atlanta home...which means I am lucky to get to see him a lot!

Cover art for Hush lyrics by Angie Aparo

The first time I heard this song I thought, "Aww, it's so sweet. Just the two of them..." Then, after listening to it for two days straight, I really started listening to the lyrics and holy cow, this isn't a romantic song!

Hush is all a guy falling for the wrong type of girl. She lied, destroyed his love, used him to get what she wanted, etc.

I've seen this song on a few fan videos on youtube, and now I'm curious as to whether the people using thought the song was sweet or if they were being ironic.

Great song, though. Love the music.