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Celebration Of The Fourth Lyrics
Oh purificator fire, that burns in me
Rekindle my courage, give me your force
Blow, northerly wind, come, wind of death
Storms, hurricanes, be at me side
By water, by air, by fire, by earth
Oh purificator water, essence of life
Mirror of time, drown the lies
Earth, mother’s man
Disemboweled by your sons
From your blood of fire
Will rise the chaos
By water, by air
By fire, by earth
Rekindle my courage, give me your force
Storms, hurricanes, be at me side
Mirror of time, drown the lies
Disemboweled by your sons
From your blood of fire
Will rise the chaos
By fire, by earth

The lyrics of the song “Celebration Of The Fourth” by Samael are about a person who is rebelling against the established order and the oppressive forces that try to control them. They are invoking the power of fire and chaos to destroy the old structures and create a new world. They are celebrating their freedom and individuality, and are not afraid of the consequences. They are challenging the authority and the dogma that have limited their potential and creativity. They are embracing their dark side and primal instincts, and are not ashamed of their desires and passions. They are declaring their independence and sovereignty, and are not willing to compromise or surrender.