The Insight and the Catharsis Lyrics

Passenger on confessional course

Unlock with the key you behold within

Repair the shadow of your mind

And come awake

"Oh, dreadful angel of mine

Enrich me with the vastness of being

Rigid father, teach me to comprehend

I'll commit myself to understand

To be faithful and the instrument

So that the ones with blindfold can see what I have seen

That there is nothing in-between

For I am the accomplice..."

Aghast and tender, indulged in sin

Embraced by loneliness, legions who grin

I blunder into the realms of slumber

I collide with the obscure

And see the last fraction of light go by

Plundering the sanity from the insane

And providing appearances in black

Carefully swept in decadent spheres

But faces in this world always remain darkened

In circles of dominance, emotional deeps unite

Fiction and transcendence woven together

In the essence of purity lies wisdom

Join the forces, the spiritual black dimensions

What more do you need of proof

Human hands conforming cloven hoofs

For I know the secrets and lies behind all truths

Knowledge is power and the power is mine

It's all mine

So let the children come to me

And share the limitless ways to infinity

Escape death and disease

And behold youth and vitality
6 Meanings
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I think it's Satan recruiting new soldiers...

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i can't believe that i am the first one to comment on this track....but it's one of my fav. dimmu's tracks...esp. the last part of the song.."Oh, dreadful angel of mine Enrich me with the vastness of being Rigid father, teach me to comprehend I'll commit myself to understand"

i don't know why it's not written in the lyric...but i love it!!

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When I was a dimmu fan this was a great song. It could still be. Unless they had a stupid image and a constand way of making songs.

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Oh, and Ghada. That verse that you are looking for is also the first verse. Check.

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1st post: constant 2nd post: second verse

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I agree with Arth, they have grown a tad stale. But you can't but love this fucking badass song, wicked solo aswell.

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