9 Meanings
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Father Baker's Lyrics

There exists a place of agony
Where children are held captive
Belt across the back, the nuns attack
Believe in god or be beaten to death

Work to earn your keep, no time to sleep
You better know the bible verse
Or go without and die of thirst
Resent your birth - thanks to god!!!!!!!!!!!

At Father Baker's the pain is divine
If you are lucky you'll get out alive

Welcome to terror, you're where you belong
Father is waiting to show you your wrong
Learn early on to behave or you'll die
Live with his torture, no one to confide
Innocence lost by the rage he inflicts
Repent to god or the pain will persist

Kept inside a cage, humiliate
Till Father takes confession
Whipped unmercifully and left to bleed
And by the end to be one with god

Fast you into place, the final phase
Before you meet his maker
Do as you are told or you will go
And then you'll know what is suffering
9 Meanings
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What a pile of crap.

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they take the most minute shit and turn it against christianity, they could at least tryattacking bigger things. this song reads like one of bentons pathetic memories, like hes trying to get back at everything by badmouthing it.

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right.... FUCK YOU CHRIST! attack bigger things? like what?

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I think she meant things which are more relevant. Glenn Benton doesn't actually seem to believe in God, so why waste his time attacking him and the people who do believe?

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"Glenn Benton doesn't actually seem to believe in God, so why waste his time attacking him and the people who do believe?"

The christian church spends alot of time attacking heavy metal music and anything else they see as "satanic". So its kinda reasonable that musicians are fighting bak and giving there own opinion on the matter.

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No, that is retarded, if you don't believe in something, why waste your time attacking it?

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Well unfortunately, many people do believe in Christianity or other religions. Only by debate do ideas ever progress. If you don't believe in Deicide, don't waste your time attacking them.

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Ok, so we hopefully know about Father Baker, I don't. :'c

From what I'm estimating, Father Baker was a priest who used to abuse children within his church/orphanage/place of religious.....things...anywhore, it was either that or Father Baker used to brainwash children to believe that right-wing extremist Christian principles were good and should be preached into the community.

Just an estimation, correct me if I'm wrong.

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