286 Meanings
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Bastard of Christ Lyrics

Bastard of the cross relentlessly
Strike fear preaching of his coming here
Scriptures, twisted words to provocate
Rapture from the lord your god so great


He fucked himself to save you - put to death, masochist
For this his words berate truth - agonized, prophecized
Revive the book of fiction - blasphemy, gluttony, to deceive you and me
In battled disposition - hang the bitch on the cross
Entitle his convictions - blasphemous, lunatic
Your heart is full of hatred - BASTARDS DIE, FUCK YOUR CHRIST,

Bastard, for your god you compromise
Do without, search the truth you'll never find
Scriptures offer little to relate
Laughter from the lord into your face


You think your god will save who - I will see, just believe
You fool, not true, no thank you - enemy of the cross
His word installs deception - pray to god, not for me, for yourself, soon
you'll see
You'll die for your religion - holy shit, pacifist
Untrue with choices given - nothing won, you are dead
Describe the holy vision - BLACKING OUT, FINAL BREATH, MEET WITH
DEATH, NOTHINGNESS, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
286 Meanings
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Jesus got pwnd

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You are crap quiffporn !! DEATH METAL RULEZ !! i'm not reffering to deicide because i don't think they are anything special. But one thing is certain, when a band writes simple and obvious lyrics there's always some gay who thinks he is the best to say that the lyrics suck, and the band sucks... If you don't like death metal then leave your lame opinions to yourself. Go to the avril lavigne lyrics page, it might be your homeland

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Wow, who would listen to these pointless idiots for advice? "Bastard Of Christ", yeah that sure tells us how smart it would be to look at them for advice.

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The word 'Deicide' comes from the word 'deity'. It means either the murder of a god or someone who murders a god. It is the same as 'Matricide' means to muder your mother, or 'Regicide' means to murder the reigning King or Queen.

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Necrox, cheers for replying.

You could be right about members of Dimmu Borgir not believing in satan, as an entity, but I feel their lyrics tie in closer to that, then to the Anton LaVey notion, that we are all our own gods. I know that one member of the band, claims to worship the devil, but whether or not the rest of them do, I couldn't say.

After reading a bunch of interviews with Trey Azagthoth (sp) I don't think that he believes in the devil, although I couldn't actually tell you what he does believe (he is a very confusing man). Morbid Angel borrow their subject matter from biblical depictions of the devil and Lovecraft mythos, in equal measures.

With regard to your comments about Cannibal Corpse, I agree. I don't take them seriously, I just don't like them. I don't believe for a second that anyone has ever killed anyone because they heard a violent song or watched a violent movie. To quote Scream: "movies don't make serial killers, movies make serial killers more creative". None of my comments about Cannibal Corpse have been with regards to them having a negative influence, I view them in much the same way that you do, it is borderline slapstick gore. Having said that, I do feel that depending on the individual's constitution, this kind of stuff could become a negative driving force, if this is all that that person is listening to.

I agree totally with your comments about Glenn Benton, he is an idiot. The odd song could be forgiven, but when the guy puts out album after album of spuriously reasoned critisism of one of the major world religions, it starts to grate...

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Why is everyone being so fucking immature and arguing that death metal is shit or death metal shits on everything. We all get it, some of you are die hard fans, the majority of you hate it. For fuck sake, you're all starting to sound like a bunch of Gaiafags and /b/tards. It's death metal. You either love it or hate it. End of story. Continue with your lives and stop arguing on here like it's YouTube!

thou listening to deicide - and other such bands - are sinners. to find inner pece, i suggest you try to find God. he can yet save ye.

Then the whole company of them arose, and brought him before Pilate. And they began to accuse him, saying, "We found this man perverting our nation, and forbidding us to give tribute to Caesar, and saying that he himself is Christ a king." And Pilate asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" And he answered him, "You have said so." And Pilate said to the chief priests and the multitudes, "I find no...

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Well its a pretty good song but i don't see why christians are so mad? Their Vatican city somehow allowed the rape of underaged kids. Even in the US. The house of god allows rape of underage kids? Well fuck your god and your ideas. immorality

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That guy's voice is amasing!!!

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glenn benton is a fuckin amazing vocalist and his lyrics are fuckin sweet this song is fuckin awsome

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his voice isnt hat hard to replicate, and benton could seriously brush up on his writing technique.

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