145 Meanings
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Her Ghost In The Fog Lyrics

"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
And the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But oh, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
As We shall see..."

She was divinity's creature
That kissed in cold mirrors
A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liquored eyes
An Arabian nightmare

She shone on watercolors
Of my pond life as pearl
Until those who couldn't have Her
Cut Her free of this World

That fateful Eve when
The trees stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An inquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight
Or to death as their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta Ley
Of Her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed
Save a mist on the rise
(A deadly blessing to hide)
Her ghost in the fog

They raped left
(Five men of God)
Her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered Her there
Beneath the Cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, Her raven hair
Flown to gown Her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew Her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer

She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"

Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me
For I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand in between?"

And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...

The village mourned her by the by
For She'd been a witch
Their Men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Trappistine eyes
An Arabian nightmare

She was Ursuline possessed
Of a milky white skin
My porcelain Yin
A graceful Angel of Sin

And so for Her
The breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased Her phantom and blew
Their Chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgment that their bible construed

Putting reason to flight
Or to flame unashamed
I swept form cries
By the taffeta Ley
Or Her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay
Save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide
Her ghost in the fog

And I embraced
Where lovers rot
Her ghost in the fog

Her ghost in the fog
145 Meanings
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It wasn't that no men could have her, obviously the narrator in the song is talking about his lover, it's evident in the line "She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood 'Never to part Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts'" The girl he's describing is too beautiful for everyone and she knows it, "She was divinity's creature" means she was perfect, god's child. "that kissed in cold mirrors", this means that she knew of her beauty. The mirror is a reflection of herself, and it's cold because narcisism is a negative thing. The intro "the moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait..." is foreshadowing the entire story, especially in the lines "fear and pain may accompany death, but it is desire that shepards its certainty" That is saying that her perfection is going to be what kills her, the other mens desires of what they can't have make them rape and kill her. Anyways the rest is basically self explanatory. Brilliant lyrics.

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Its possible that people don't like his voice.... I personally think his voice seduces me. I get the weirdest feeling when I listen to this song. It reminds me of me 4 years ago when I wanted to be a witch and live in a wood house in the middle of the forest. :)

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This song really helped me through a depressing time in my life (when i lost my girlfriend)....thank u CoF

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CoF kicks my ass. and your ass. Ah, how can you not like Dani's voice? I'm a girl and I can't scream that high to save my life. I love it. ^_^

Fuck my fren......,we wanted to form a band....,he ask me to jamm pop,R&B,hip-hop,rap all those shittie fuck up stuff.......,and i say,NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!!,he say,that way no girls will like us....,but here's a cutie here who listen to metal......shit on his face and make him to hell......

ROCK AND METAL ARE COMING BACK WOOO!!!!!! sorry its just ive been a long term rocker all my life.... i was born listening to metallica's enter sandman

Just a tip for tryin to scream that high, Dani does inhale screaming for the higher ones.

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This song does kick alot of ass. I deffienetly would have to agree with Afina about Dani's voice. It is sexy as all hell for one thing. And I also agree with Waster. This song deffiently has a strong meaning to it.

what's the meaning?!?!?!,i really wan to know the meaning......

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this song, to me, means a lot. it's exactly what waster said. this woman who, because of her beauty, no men could have. so five priests raped her and left her in the woods. this song has such meaning. cof is personally my favourite band. i love dani's vocals. in fact, he's one of my favoruites from the band. he and gian. i love CoF they're my inspiration for my songs and drumwork.

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GodsAlchemist: i was going to stay positive and objective on this site, but i think you doomed me to cruelty. what you said hit the nail on the fucking head, especially about the fan base. HAHAHAHA, what ridiculous little kids.

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Awesome song. The mallgoths are slowly starting to ruin this band tho. They are buying their little hot topic goth shirts and acting like they are cool. They only known damnation and a day which sucks and sounds like a shitty NU-metal band.

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Midian rocks, period. I have a sweater from it and so what?! No stupid stuff on it so. I had a whole message typed but pressed the damn copyright button and it's gone. Too lazy to retype.

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