Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids Lyrics

Hear Me now!
All crimes should be treasured if they bring thee pleasure somehow...

Maleficent in dusky rose
Gathered satin lapped Her breasts
Like blood upon the snow
A tourniquet of Topaz

Glistened at Her throat
Awakening, pulled from the tomb
Her spirit freed eclipsed the moon
That She outshone as a fallen star
A regal ornament from a far flung nebular

Her likeness hung in the black gallery
Commanding unease
Demanding of Death to breathe...

Midst the whirl and daylight fauna
Of society at court
Elizabeth bedazzled, Her presence sought applause
Though Her torchlit shadow
Thrown upon damp cellar walls
Greeted nothing but despair from slaves Her nights enthralled

Thirteen Winter solstices had shown
Her path, that the dark
Had marked its dominion
Spaying the confessor

Whose caresses she'd known,
As whipcord in the House of Dog
Her cold cunt meat on holy bone

Raped of faith, She now embraced
The narcissistic unrest frozen on the mirror's face
With this disdain, inside these veins
(Highborn wanton that She was)

She sought to keep what age would claim
Her soul was sold and for this toll
Reeking pyres ever smouldered
On the whims of one so in control

Elizabeth, mysterious.
Cruelty brought thee orchids
From the bowels of the abyss

Once upon atrocity when midwitches stifled cries
And carved abortive runes in reddened wombs
Exhumed by scrying eyes
Madness came upon

Her like an amourous lover's seed
Lifesblood splashed upon Her skin
In gouts torture unleashed

And to Her dead reflection
Twas as if Her pallor gleamed
Like an angel's warmed by candles
Where erotic stains had cleaved

So demons dragged this libertine
Lusts screaming for release
Upon the flesh of maidens preened
As canvas for caprice

Exacting obeisance
Her gaze held a seance
Of spirits too trapped under glass to commune
A sleeter mistress than Luna
Whose threats to consume Her
Met with torments giving vent to Her swoon

Flat on Her back
Pack-prey for the reams
Of verses and curses
That haunted Her dreams

Midnightmare chimed
Thirteen in Her mind
A disciple of scars
Branded years hissed behind

Ridden split-thighed
By the Father of lies
An ovation of wolves
Blushed the skies as they writhed

But Heaven is never forever
She came, a spent storm
From the clouds...

Leaving serpents in office
Inside every gate
To lick righteous holes
Blinding Lords to the fate

Of virgins forced naked
To defile on rent knees
Hacked and racked backwards
Menses choking their pleas

"More. Whore. More.
Twitching make me wet with thee
Carcass rub me raw"
33 Meanings
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yeah this song is, uh, fucking awesome.

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Orchids symbolise perfection, and spots on it sometimes represent the blood of Christ. The blood of Christ is of course equal to life ("Life is the blood of all flesh", Lev 17:34; booklet of V Empire). Therefore she uses the blood of other people to get life, to achieve the eternal youth: She is a vampire, maybe even something like the reincarnation of Lilith.

Now in "Cruetly brought thee orchids" cruelty could be the devil. She makes a pact with him, she gives him her soul and he brings her beauty and youth (orchids). Then "From the bowels of the abyss" would mean hell.

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yeh it is... lol ur right all the way... i just wish more ppl in my town would respect the band.... but yeh its all good i guess and their music kiks so much ass!! muwhahahaha

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This song has some theme towards Countess Erzebeth Bathory....who killed 600 virgins in her time, just to bathe in their blood, she thought it made her younger.

Beautiful song....kinda confusing....though.

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Very wicked song by a very wicked band.

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This is the second chapter in the story of Elizabeth Bathory that's presented in Cruelty and the Beast. Here we see the effect that the abandonment of her repressive lifestyle has had on her: her newfound wild side is literalized in vibrant clothing, her dark beauty now attracts the stares and applause of others. There is a dark side to this, however, in that she becomes more and more fixated on the torture of prisoners. Her constant indulgence in sensual pleasure leads her into an intense narcissism, and she becomes enamoured with her own reflection. It is mentioned that she eventually sells her soul for eternal beauty, though it is not clear if this is literal or just a figurative representation of her strong desire to retain her beauty forever. She persists in her acts of torture, and (growing increasingly unstable) she starts to believe that the blood of her victims, when applied to her skin, will prolong her beauty.
Having forsaken all virtue, she makes herself vulnerable to all sorts of dangerous passions that are described as having their way with her. This all seems quite unpleasant to us, but she recalls the rape that occured in her childhood, and is too far gone to stop at this point. The song ends with the image of her power and influence growing right along with her perverse activities. This song is amazing. Dani's frantic writing in the middle of the song, when she goes insane, is a great way of letting the writing style represent what the character is going through.

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This song is actually very good. The first time I heard it, I didn't know what to think... Countess Elizabeth Bathory must have been an awesome woman... A little freaky though.

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Elizabeth Bathory was a psychotic serial killer whom we know virtually nothing about. Awesome...

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Yeah, she liked to drain blood and bathe in it... Coooooooooooooooooooooool.

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