9 Meanings
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Heaven Torn Asunder Lyrics

Rise, ablaze, libidinous
Devildom voyeurs
Ascend to smother the light
Nascent aeons confer....

Chaos is spat
From the black eternal sea
Serrated mountains of mad shadows
Carving towards misdeed

Stormchoirs gather
A pestilential hiss
Sunset evokes Luciferian fire
The skies are ruptured like a knifed orifice
Supernal vestments hang tattered
Cathedrals shriek to pulpit oratory
Invasions scale Babel's ivory towers
Poised to sodomise a world upon it's knees

(Victory spent
Breathe deep benighted scent)

We are as a flame born unto the darkness
Desires burning in palatial glades
And virtues once aloof, now worming beneath us
Shalt see their children, pleasuring as slaves....


Wreak atrocities on those we have despised
Judgements be riven, from the skies
Darkness empower let us master prophecy
Fulfilling destiny - the promised fever

Bedizens eyes paralysed with blasphemy
Written in flesh across the howling ether

Spread the bliss of this Lupercalia

With stars erased, throw wide the gates
The infidel soon unmasks her face
Neath silken shroud she waxes horn
Sharpened to skewer dawn....

I am as a plague, born to the priestess
The secret amour of her archangelic rape
Jaded-eyed when my lovers, possessed
Screamed out their agonies, upon the stake

"The most August sorcerers of Hades
Darkly seized for me a throne
And the upraised scythe so terribly scribed
Vengeance in Jesuit blood on stone

From this ransacked celestial temple
I hold the prophet's severed head unto all nations"

Tremble before us
Lords of the star-veiled red sepulchres
Rushing deathwards, our Tartarean fires
Kindle pandemonia to furnace the earth

"Our voices are opened graves
Through which the never-dead escape"

From dank, abyssic dream
Pursuing ascendancy....

The enemy has held three seasons
Imparadised, whilst we writhed
To psycho-dramas penned by aerial decree
Now freed to plunder....
Heaven torn asunder
9 Meanings
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One of Cradle's best song, well it's from their best album so, what would you expect. Great riffin'. And yes, it is about attacking heaven, rmember "babel's ivory tower"

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Is it possible that the whole war against heaven imagery could be metaphorical for deviant behaviour? I see a lot of Elisabeth Bathory in these lyrics as well... "The infidel soon unmasks her face" also ts interesting to see Dani playing around with imagery that is continued through the record as well such as "I hold the prophet's severed head unto all nations" which evokes the image of Herodias' role in the death of John the Baptist which is mentioned in the opening verse of Haunted Shores.

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great vocabulary even if i dont understand half of it...=(

@komm123 too true

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anyone here who plays Magic The Gathering knows where im coming from on this one...the Phyrexian army storming Serra's Sanctum...cant you just see it...beautiful

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Okay, so I'm not a big fan of wanting to attack Heaven, but this song...is so cool lol. The beginning is fucking awesome. I love the "Rise, ablaze..." part, and it's kind of slow and then really high pitched when he screams NASCENT AEONS CONFER!! and I love when it gets fast at "Stormchoirs gather..." but then it kind of goes downhill after "...a world upon it's KNEEEEEEEES!"

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Damnit, it should be "its" instead of "it's"... the grammar nazi has failed.

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Haha Dromar Thats definitley awesome! And I agree this is definitley one of Cradle's best songs. But the most amazing part is the drumming. Right after he screams ATTACK listen to the drums Nivk makes the kit freaking explode! Awesome

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Nick* o_o

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unfortunatly I only know to well what you are talking about Lord Dromar.

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