Thank You Mom Lyrics
My memory, is clear as day
I'm listening to the dishes clink, you were downstairs, you would sing
Songs of praise
And all the times we laughed with you, and all the times that you stayed true to us
Now we say...
I said I thank you, I'll always thank you
More than you could know, than I could ever show
And I love you, I'll always love you
There's nothing I won't do, to say these words to you
That you're beautiful forever
You were my mom, you were my dad, the only thing I ever had was you, it's true
And even when the times got hard, you were there to let us know...that we'd get through
You showed me how to be a man, you taught me how to understand the things, people do
You showed me how to love my God, you taught me that not everyone knows the truth
And I thank you, I'll always thank you
More than you could know, than I could ever show
And I love you, I'll always love you
There's nothing I won't do, to say these words to you
That you will live forever
Always, always and forever

Awwwww. This song is sweet. I know Good Charlotte is punk a lot, but at least they can do a song like this every once in awhile and still be able to be popular. Cute song. Yeah... bye.

this is a cool song... i really like them in general. i think its stupid that people say "oh they're not real punk, blah blah blah" and dont like them because of it. who cares if they're not like all the hardcore punk bands, they're still an awesome band, and they're songs dont all sound the same~

This song is so amazing, for a punk band, or any band for that matter. It shows that sure, they can sing about relationships going down or their horrible high school days, but there's always something good: in this case, their mom. It's so sweet. My mom likes it too. Hehe.

i love that benji and joel wrote this for their mom. she was a single parent, which only makes this more adorable. and i agree with gooberjoo. it doesn't matter how people classify them. they can be emo, punk, ska. whatever. they still rock my world.

Some people that know me, may not think I'd like a song like this. Most people think I'm only into hardcore shit and they also think I'm a self centred bastard because i carry myself like that and I'm a labled "prep". But what most people don't know is that I'm a a very sensitive person, very heartfelt and a hopeless romantic. But this song is amazing. I played this for my mom and she started to cry because she knows that I feel the same way as the song says. Really a great song.

woop woop

the first time i heard this song i actually got a little teary-eyed... it's like all the things we should say to our moms (or whatever guardians) - that we never actually say. the orchestration was a nice touch too, sentimental but not sappy. i also heard benji and joel didn't put any cussing on their album because of their mom.

so sweet. god this makes me i was nicer to my mom...

great song, great band reminds me of my own mom give it up for east coast punk

This song makes me think "hm mabey someday I will get along with her" cuz right now, I am going through that phase where everything I do I do it to piss her off, maybe we will work though that