Somewhere Down The Road Lyrics

We had the right love
At the wrong time
Guess I always knew inside
I wouldn't have you for a long time

Those dreams of yours
Are shining on distant shores
And if they're calling you away
I have no right to make you stay

But somewhere down the road
Our roads are gonna cross again
It doesn't really matter when
But somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours will come to see
That you belong with me

Sometimes goodbyes are not forever
It doesn't matter if you're gone
I still believe in us together
I understand more than you think I can
You have to go out on your own
So you can find your way back home

But somewhere down the road
Our roads are gonna cross again
It doesn't really matter when
But somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours will come to see
That you belong with me
Letting go is just another way to say
I'll always love you so

We had the right love
At the wrong time
Maybe we've only just begun
Maybe the best is yet to come

Cause somewhere down the road
Our roads are gonna cross again
It doesn't really matter when
But somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours will come to see
That you belong with me
3 Meanings
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I met my true love at the wrong time. He is the one that people say is impossible to find but somehow we found each other. Every line of this song speaks to my heart. He is perfect for me, everything I could want or need in a partner. I feel complete with him and could be content forever by just holding his hand or sitting next to him and looking in his eyes. I want to be everything for him. I want to give him everything he deserves. I spend every waking moment thinking of my love for him. We can talk for hours about anything and everything. He is my equal in so many ways. I want to spend every moment I can with him but the moments are fewer and fewer. The days are becoming overwhelming and I worry and become very anxious. I wake up each day yearning for a minute with him but it can’t happen. Instead I look forward to going to bed so that I can see him for a flash in my dreams. When i wake up in the morning sometimes I press my eyes together and hang onto those dreams because I worry it may be the only thing I’ll have in the short term. And for those few minutes in the morning I smile and remember the feeling of all encompassing love that he provided to me. Years ago we both made poor relationship decisions which cause us to be “stuck” in various ways where we can’t be fully together. So, what do you do if you know he is the ONE but it can’t be right now? If you really love someone do you listen to this song —-“Letting go is just another way to say "I'll always love you so". Can you love someone so much that you let them go? How do you find the strength to do this when you know you can’t live without them?

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right love, wrong time it hurts... :-(

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Listening to this song right now, and thinking... oh god, how I relate to this. I can only hope our roads do cross again.

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