13 Meanings
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Sex And Violence Lyrics

I used to love you now I don't care
Now I turn around, you're everywhere
So you can chew me up and spit me out
You're just the little bitch I cared about

I know you can see me
But you don't believe me
I know that you're lonely
Time will tell and time is hell

No sex or violence
No morbid silence
Forever sleeping
You won't stop breathing

You hold me captive and it's not fair
Progressed insanity is everywhere
You need to love me but you kicked me out
My head is wandering so knock me out

I keep my head alfloat I'm drowning in
The muddy water pulls me down again
I used to love me but I hate me now
I'm just a little bitch I cared about
Song Info
Submitted by
dsfire On Jun 12, 2001
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13 Meanings

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Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

No. 4 is my favorite album by them... never understood why its so under rated

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

I think it is about fighting with his wife/girlfriend but can't get away from her because she is so famous.

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

I agree with seth to a certain extent. I think it's about fighting with a spouse over fame. But i think time is the big thing that's causing them problems. Maybe touring and such. So when they are together, no sex, no violence, just nothing. Like a stalemateof a relationship.

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

There is a mess up in the lyrics where is says "You need to love me but you kicked me out " is should say "You used to love me but you kicked me out "

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

An ex lover you have no passions, negative or positive, for anymore. Just gets you down,and when you are finally getting voer them, they appear in your life again.

nicely put

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Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

This song is perhaps reminiscent in content and meaning of Nymphetamine by Cradle of Filth. My own experience has no doubt tainted and moulded my perspective about this song, in fact, it's really, really, obvious with the way I will no doubt phrase this, but perhaps that's a good thing in order to produce a heartfelt interpretation of art. This is about being in love with someone despite being treated with bullshit the entire time; having your feelings being toyed with; about finally drawing a line and saying "Fuck you. Fuck off." - "I used to love you, now I don't care."

This is a person that despite your decision to shun and treat with the same coldness, you can't escape in life - this is someone you cross paths with often - "Now I turn around, you're everywhere."

Being treated with either coldness, or in such an up-and-down manner that it's as if you're simply being used during the good times - "So you can chew me up and spit me out, you're just the little bitch I cared about.", "You hold me captive and it's not fair, but this insanity is everywhere."

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

one of the best prechorus in the world!!

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

about a dysfunctional relationship... during No 4 scott had gotten divorced

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

about jealousy in a relationship

Cover art for Sex And Violence lyrics by Stone Temple Pilots

this song is about scotts divorce from his first wife

your just the little bitch i cared about - harsh words from scotty there