Where The River Goes Lyrics

Yeah, I could hide in the calm of the eye of the storm
And never blow away
Well, I'm a young man with a knife to my back
Some things never seem to change
Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide
Sing the song or keep it inside
Bought the farm, but the farmer done died
Sing that song, sing that song inside

I wish I could live in the
dream that I fly on the tarred &
feathered wings
Well, I'm losing a game of reality
dice where the dealer never ever pays

I wanna be as big as a mountain
I wanna fly as high as the sun
I wanna know what the rent's like in heaven
I wanna know where the river goes

Yeah, I could hide in the calm of the eye of the storm
And never blow away
Well, I'm a young man with a knife to my back
Some things never seen to change

If I was stronger
I could be a mountain range
If night was longer
Could I escape the day?
Song Info
Submitted by
dsfire On Jun 12, 2001
31 Meanings
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Can't believe not many comments on this song at all. I think this is probably the best,or one of the best, songs on Core. I agree about letting the river take you wherever, but I also thing it's about having shit luck and not caring anymore where you end up in life. I mean with the lines "having a knife in my back,something never seem to change" or " I'm losing the game of reality where the dealer never pays" I think Scott was saying I keep playing the game of Life, but can't seem to win, so whatever happens, just let it flow, but in a sense, he is tired of it and wants more out of it..I might be wrong, but that was always my interputation

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this is such a great song. i cant believe more people dont like it, its one of the best. i didnt even notice it was eight minutes long the first time i heard it, thats how good it is. lol

anyway its about how life is unpredictable, sometimes good and sometimes bad

i could hide in the calm of the eye of the storm and never blow away: he could just stay in bed all day and forget the rest of the world. something like that

im a young man with a knife to my back again, some things never seem to change: somethings stressing him out. he just wants a calm peaceful easy life but hes got something pressuring him, probably money or his drinking problem

nowhere to run to nowhere to hide: you cant hide from life like he wants to, you have to work a little

sing the song or keep it inside: you can speak your mind and make a difference in your life or you can just be a mindless worker with a boring normal life

bought the farm but the farmer done died: this means you can make a decision that seems good but it turns out to be bad through some twist of fate. like buying a farm then having the farmer die and now its just a waste of time

i wish i could live in the dream that i fly on tarred and feathered wings: tarring and feathering is a total humiliation. he wishes he could learn something from his disgrace and rise above it

im losing a game of reality dice where the dealer never ever pays: if youre playing dice but the dealer never pays, you cant win either way. so hes saying, hes failing at a life thats already shitty. reminds me of a dane cook joke. lol

i wanna be as big as a mountain: obvious, he wants to be famous or powerful or important

i wanna fly as high as the sun: he wants to go farther than any other man, or make some huge achievement

i wanna know what the rents like in Heaven: hes not sure if his life is one thats going to get him to Heaven. hes a little afraid that hes on the wrong track and he might go to hell because theres no room for people like him in Heaven

i wanna know where the river goes: the river is his life. he wants to see where this lifestyle is taking him, in his life and in the afterlife

if i was stronger i could be a mountain range: he could be great and have everything he wants, he just needs a little extra strength

if night was longer could i escape the day?: well during the day you have to work and deal with your problems. at night you just rest. he basically wants more time to dream because his dreams are better than his shitty reality

this is a totally beautiful song, i think it should get more recognition. its better than most other songs on core and its got a really cool realistic message

nice job there

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The drum intro resembles "Where The Levee Breaks" by John Bonham of Led Zeppelin. It's a cool song...real rock, man.

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The song is about life. Where the river goes basically means where life takes you.

^ This guy got it

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This is one of my favourite STP songs ever. I think song this is about like.. wanting to live to be more than you are.

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I'll tell you one thing. Since his passing this song has gotten creepier great song

@AndrewJames I think this song is about being overambitious...I almost think it's about Icarus. I'm surprised no one said that.

@AndrewJames very true. Same thing with "trippin on a hole in a paper heart" It's gotten sadder and a bit creepy

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From an outside perspective looking in, this appears to be about an individual contemplating existence as one might understand and consider it. Painful, personal, and terrifying. The lyrics might also suggest an idea of what might be beyond this existence based on that same understanding and consideration. I see this song mostly as a trap. I only see THIS far... I only understand SO much but there's a reverberating message of WANTING to know more.... like where the river flows, as though it's obvious for some but not others.

My Interpretation
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this song is great, i think its about letting yourself just flow, not really caring whats going on around you right now, but looking for the big pay off...

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heavy heavy doors influence on this one,it may the best song on core and one of their best period,i feel its about wondering where life is gonna take you does the river flow thru heaven or hell.

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