93 Meanings
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Sex Type Thing Lyrics

I am, I am, I am
I said I wanna get next to you
I said I gonna get close to you
You wouldn't want me have to hurt you too, hurt you too?
I ain't, I ain't, I ain't
A buyin' into your apathy
I'm gonna learn ya my philosophy
You wanna know about atrocity?

I know you want what's on my mind
I know you like what's on my mind
I know it eats you up inside
I know, you know, you know

I am a man, a man
I'll give ya somethin' that ya won't forget
I said ya shouldn't have worn that dress
I said ya shouldn't have worn that dress

Here I come, I come, I come
Song Info
Submitted by
dsfire On Jun 12, 2001
93 Meanings
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I saw/read (I don't remember which) an interview with Weiland in which he said it was about the way guys generally view women sexually, not necessarily rape.

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This is a song about rape and how our society deals with it. A lot of the time, the victim is blamed. Hence the lyric, "I said ya shouldn't have worn that dress."

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I think it is def. about rape, but i dont think the line "you shouldnt have worn that dress" refers to how society deals with it. I think that last part of the song is from the rapists point of view and says that just as he says "I'll give you something that you wont forget." Just my take on it though.

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I think it's not about rape, but rather about how a lot of pig headed men approach sex. Like, "btch likes me staring at her, that's why she's wearing that dress. She wants to get fcked" That sort of mentality. An abusive approach to sex, but not necessarily rape.

My Interpretation
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Hmm makes sense.. I've always thought it was of the sexual nature..but never thought it was about rape

bc your a girl... so you dont wanna believe this song is about rape lol

Shut ur cakehole miceandmen! That's an offence to rape victims everywhere. (I'm not one myself but still COME ON)

in all modesty, mice and men is correct. most girls and people who dont really dig into the music deeply dont want to believe this song is about rape. most people who havent dealt with this subject personally whether it be them or someone they know may not fully understand the evils of this topic, which takes alot of balls to even write about and i have nothing but respect for scott weiland for bringing a song like this into the mainstream for the world to hear because i know it had opened peoples eyes back in...

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This song is the only STP song that is completely obvious when it comes to the meaning. It's definately about rape, and definately coming from the rapist's point of view. Simple.. but still freakin' awesome!

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I agree with what SgtBaker is saying totally.. I could see how it could be about rape too tho...

I have Sex Type Thing tattooed on my arse ;)

really? true fan haha

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Just the abuse of sexual power.

yeah thats what scott says... you know he had a blast writing this song

in a physical way

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Well here's the thing about this song. It can easily be about rape, but it could also simply be about seduction. If sung with the right feeling, it's more or less very cocky and arrogant seduction. And as far as the "hurt you too" part, well, if someone's that cocky and arrogant about this matter, he probably has a reason to be that way. Well endowed... or just damn good at it, and there is a lot of satisfaction in a little bit of pain

My Interpretation
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Is it fucked up that upon hearing this song as a 14 yr old girl, I thought this song was supposed to be sexy? Never once occurred to me it was about rape. I thought this animalistic sexual behavior was just what guys did, and I dreamed that one day a guy would "want me" as much as the guy in this song.

I am 32 and just finding out the rapey meaning of this song. It's blowing my mind with how fucked up a society we live in that my 14 yr old girl self sincerely thought all those things.

@Mendalusa77 Interesting comment,,thanks for posting. This provides some insight, potentially, into the societal/psychological effects of our mores and practices upon the “vulnerable” or the “targeted” (women are prey in this song). And attitudes...

I’m not saying I know the “solution”, but I believe young men have been sent so many Mixed messages regarding their place in society that they don’t know which way to turn when confronted with “feelings”. So they try to stifle their feelings, and use “aggression” to combat what they feel, because they don’t like feeling vulnerable. And since this has traditionally been OK with...

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