David Is A Girl/Therese Is A Boy Lyrics

I am dressed up tonight. Just to look pretty in your eyes. And even though I don’t know anything. I want to tell you everything. I just want to trust someone so badly that every unkissed kiss hurts like a separation. Oh, baby! I need translation. I am dressed up tonight...
Song Info
Submitted by
gifis On Aug 01, 2002
1 Meaning
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I think this song its great, he is doing and seeing things in the girls perspective (men should do that all the time) I am dressed up tonight. Just to look pretty in your eyes that means that he wants to be important for her and to look at him as he needs

I just want to trust someone so badly that every unkissed kiss hurts like a separation i think this part is the feeling when we want to kiss someone but we dont and you feel the distance you have with this person...or maybe (dunno maybe im tooo wrong) its the non kiss after the kiss, you know, a goodbye kisse for example?

the translation part...he need a change

its a good song i've loved the music more than the lyric n_n

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