13 Meanings
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Up In The Air Lyrics

"Up In The Air"

The lines are drawn in the sand tonight.
And decisions must be made.
Another year to waste my time?
Or should we let this fade?

The asphalt top is smooth tonight,
Like I wish my words could be.
Maybe the right line could make you want me,
and end this dull charade.

Because you always seem to fall for him,
The one who says things right.
He's never at a loss for words,
and always makes you smile.

But maybe I havent found that someone,
And my heart just thinks its you.
Maybe you just ain't right for me,
In my mind I know thats true.

The truth in this reality,
Is a sledgehammer to the face.
Like many nights walked past your house,
Im tired of this place.

Don't make this harder than it really is,
Im ready to be crushed.
Just say the things I fear so much,
Im never good enough.
13 Meanings
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Hey guys, I would love some feedback on this one.

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yo man, i think that song or poem you wrote is awesome, did you write it for yourself or are you in a band? either way its cool, i thought i would check it out since i write songs and stuff myself, thats pretty much all i do these days besides skateboard, your style of writing is alot like mine, always about a girl that you want but cant have, ahh sometimes i wish i could hate females. Anyway keep it up yo, and go buy the new starting line cd if you havnt yet =) Peace out.

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is this is a band or what?

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No, this isnt a band. Im just writting songs right now while Im still learning the guitar.

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these lyrics are def good...i can totally connect w/ them and what u are saying about relationships and that one person that you always seem to waste your time on no matter what they do or how much they hurt you or dont want you...keep this up b/c its quality and i have so much respect for someone who can even begin to write songs b/c i know its hard as hell, but esp. songs that i have a personal connection w/...its a beautiful thing and i am def feeling these lyrics

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wow, great song. i love the line "The asphalt top is smooth tonight, /Like I wish my words could be." if you have any more songs or poems, please post them. i'd love to read them!

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this is a pretty good song, but with some good guitar it could be amazing! :)

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i love the part "But maybe I havent found that someone, And my heart just thinks its you." Beautiful..great job, keep it up!! -gaia

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Thanks for the feedback guys.

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you rock my world buddy boy

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