Dorian Gray
Just me by the sea
I felt the world could go far
If they listened to what I said
Washes my feet
Splashes the sole of my shoes
The world couldn't be found
Just me by the sea

I also disagree with Wildflower on this one, though that's a very interesting theory. It's easy to get that impression though, since the entire basis of Oscar Wilde's "Dorian Gray" is Dorian's utter selfishness and narcissism. Rather than focusing on the beginning and middle of Dorian Gray though, let's focus on the actual point of the book: That Dorian's friends and loved ones grow on and grow old while he continues to stay the same.
Carrying on with that note, I should also mention that lyrics of "The Ocean" this site provides are incorrect. It isn't "SOLE of my shoes", it's "SOUL" of my shoes", which, if it had been presented correctly, may have clarified some things.
To me, this song is about a boy standing on the beach and looking out into the ocean. He's alone and he feels small looking out at the vastness of the world. He is saying that while he may be only one person, he is not insignificant in the grand scheme of things. This song says: "I may only be one little person in this ginormous world, but that doesn't mean I can't make a difference in it."
This is about a boy looking into his own soul and then looking out at the world and seeing exactly what he wants to accomplish with his part in it.
Going back to Dorian Gray, I think that part of the song simply refers to how alone Dorian felt at the end of the book, and how he had lived a long, unsatisfying life because he had chosen only to focus on his beauty rather than actually making a contribution to the world.
I think what Bono is saying in this song is that, looking into his soul, he WANTS to make a difference. He doesn't want to live an insignificant life and die having accomplished nothing.
I agree with love2zworld...this is about his belief that one person can change the world and make it better.

When I looked around The world couldn't be found Just me by the sea
it's about feeling so cool that you forget that there are other people in the world. it happens to me sometimes :-)

When ever I hear this song, I picture Bono walking down a beach, alone, in the evening.
As for the meaning, I think wild flower summed it up.

i dont think its a narcisitic as wild flower said....its more about that optimism and belief that you can change the world and make it a better place...if u think about it its very foreshadowing of Bono's people do listen to what he has to say and he's helping this world go farther every day