22 Meanings
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Anybody Listening? Lyrics

You and I long to live like wind upon the water
If we close our eyes we'll maybe realize
There's more to life than what we have known
And I can't believe I've spent so long
Living lies I knew were wrong inside
I've just begun to see the light

Long ago there was a dream, had to make a choice or two
Leaving all I loved behind for what nobody knew
Stepped out on the stage
A life under lights and judging eyes
Now the applause has died and I can dream again...

Is there anybody listening?
Is there anyone that sees what's going on?
Read between the lines, criticize the words they're selling
Think for yourself and feel the walls
Become sand beneath your feet

Fell the breeze?
Time's so near you can almost taste the freedom
There's a warm wind from the south
Hoist the sail and we'll be gone
By morning, this will all seem like a dream
And if I don't return to sing the song, maybe just as well
I've seen the news and there's not much I can do...alone

Is there anybody listening?
Is there anyone who smiles without a mask?
What's behind the words-images
They know will please us?
I'll take what's real
Bring up the lights

Is there anybody listening?
Is there anyone that sees what's going on?
Read between the lines
Criticize the words they're selling
Think for yourself and feel the walls
Become sand beneath your feet.
22 Meanings
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This song has absolutely nothing to do with organized religion.

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I believe this song is about how the public simply accepts what they are told, even if something radically different is actually happening. Basically the message is along the lines of "think for yourself, question authority." It could be applied to religion, sure, but I think it deals more directly with the government and the media. Awesome song! And so appropriate for these times...

Howell,... For the most part, you are entirely correct. I would like to add a few details however. All of Queensryche's music revolves around a central theme. In a nutshell, we are becoming uniform thinking deadheads who are slaves to the machine: all of our opinions are provided(media misinformation campaign barrage-mind preparation and mental conditioning) where our destinations are pre-decided. Think censorship, think Patriot Act...think covert govt. spending where politicians are the prostitutes and corporate lobbyists are solicitors. Ensuing govt. policies, with handsomely lucrative consequence, of any induced political modifications pose corporate...

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This song could be about simply government, advertisement, or watever. Like he says---"read between the lines, critisize the words there selling"---

@-ZERO- Wow, this shows how incredibly poor my English was 10 years ago, haha. Good 'ol internet... Why can't you edit comments on SongMeanings?

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this is about not accepting the forcefed ruse about the nature of reality itself... there is no spoon people

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Ah, the old "think for yourself and question authority." A timeless classis quote from one of the greatest drugheads of the 20th century.

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I agree with the government stuff, a heavy metal band makes much more sense promoting independance and freedom of thought, which is exactly what advertisement and branding are against. There is no spoon is a good quote for this!

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This is one of my favorites. It could be about the government, but it could be interpreted in a deeper sense - don't assume life and reality are what other people tell you, don't buy into the assumed reality, the masks that many people wear, what everyone else claims as 'truth' - find out yourself what's 'real'.

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I think basically he's denouncing conforming to what everyone else is doing. Don't be just another product of society. One of favorite songs byt them.

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Queensryche has captured a feeling and turned into such a great song, thats why they make real music

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To me the song sounds like someone who is remembering when they were young and could dream and question things. They've been out in the world and found it a cruel and lonely place, and they are starting to realize that everything isn't as it seems. But the basic "question authority" theme is heavily present, and is without a doubt the message the song conveys.

By far the best song on the album, and one of my favorite Queensryche songs period.

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