The Staggering Genius Lyrics
are you miserable tonight
you’re invincible
seven deep and getting right
i hope you’ll write some song where
you mention all the wrongs i’ve done
tell everyone you’re happy and order up another one
the genius staggers home
are you better off alone
are you satisfied
are you ever gonna be
you’re despicable
and you’re meaningless to me
i hope you’ll write some song where
you mention all the wrongs i’ve done
tell everyone you’re happy and slip into oblivion
the genius staggers home
are you better off alone
the genius staggers home
are you better off alone
are you miserable
are you miserable tonight
you’re invincible
seven deep and getting right
i hope you’ll write some song where
you mention all the wrongs i’ve done
tell everyone you’re happy and slip into oblivion
the genius staggers home
are you better off alone
are you better off alone
are you better off alone
are you better off alone
are you better off alone

whoa! i got the first quote. well, when this song is famous..i got the first comment. i like the song. it's--like just about a bunch of other songs--about a girl. (OBVIOUSLY) and well, she's going to be a "star" and all GRR so he's all GRR. anyways, i was just excited to get the first quote..i don't really understand the song :) bye

This is such an awesome song. I saw these guys live in September and they just rocked. Also great - "Remain Yer Strange" - my second favorite song.

this song is about drunk pontification

Does the opening riff remind anyone else of "Gigantic" by The Pixies?

Anyone else think this might be self-referential? I mean, John Davis was balls-deep in alcoholism before converting in the middle of recording this album...

there was a tiny rumor around the time 'Last Call' was released, that this song was an angry letter to Tom Pappas, the former bassist. John Davis came to the message board and set the record straight: its about himself and his inner demons and NOT about Tom! he goes on to say that Tom even played at his wedding lol (oh and the original line up is working on a NEW freeekin CD for 09' release!)