Monochromatic Stains Lyrics

There is the face in the still water
I can't ever remember wearing
Like fingerprints on your heart
To the untrained eye, a secret
I bled away the last of you

Sought trust in shapes of combined results
that trickles from a less than solid case
Fought off attacks of resurfaced lust
Burning the gracing grounds


<i>What will give in first
The body or the lash
Monochromatic Stains
The lead or the fake
Monochromatic Stains</i>

This piles of ashes of a soul
informant pokes abound
These sickly little fingers
Get away from me

Tread not the path of least restraint
each piece of evidence a lie, a lie
The body, the face, all items in place
I don't remember a thing

<i>What will give in first
The body or the lash
Monochromatic Stains
The lead or the fake
Monochromatic Stains</i>

A sacrifice made to the loss of a mind
Folly a man's demise

Track now the stains that allow my fall
sickening, the sight of it all
Never shall I claim my innocence
I was just not there

<i>What will give in first
The body or the lash
Monochromatic Stains
The lead or the fake
Monochromatic Stains</i>
20 Meanings
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Here are Mikael's own words about the lyrics:

Here it own little stab in the dark at the mystery genre and the repercussions of voluntary and self-inflicted unconsciousness. Some aspects of this will be further investigated in the upcoming video, some will be further obscured...Enjoy!

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I've seen part of the video already and it didn't make a lot of sense to me. yet I'll wait till I see the whole thing before I reate or judge it.

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the video is really bad, it doesnt suit the song very well i think at all

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anyone, enough about teh video, this song is the most powerful piece of shit ive ever heard!!!!!

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In the video he kills his wife, if I remember cororetly. Monochromatic means 1 color or appearing to be one color, for exmaple... your blue jeans. He is refering to the blood.

"A sacrifice made to the loss of a mind"

He lost his mind and killed whoever it was that he killed.

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In the video he kills his wife, if I remember cororetly. Monochromatic means 1 color or appearing to be one color, for exmaple... your blue jeans. He is refering to the blood.

"A sacrifice made to the loss of a mind"

He lost his mind and killed whoever it was that he killed.

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i thought monochromatic meant light. well then again light is color, so maybe you are right.

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Monochromatic I thought was black and white.

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This song reads like a crime scene investigation. It's really cool IMO.

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The way he says "Monochromatic Stains" at the end of the 2nd chorus and the music in the background... man that's like the best musical moment ever.

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