You Never Wash Up After Yourself Lyrics

I must get out once in a while
Everything's starting to die
The dust settles, the worms dig
The spiders crawl over the bed

I must get out once in a while
I eat all day and now I'm fat
Yesterday's meal is hugging the plates
You never wash up after yourself
Song Info
Submitted by
vache On Jun 09, 2001
25 Meanings
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Depression, apathy and lethargy

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This song is about how people can get so involved in their own dealings that life passes them by. The dust, worms, and spiders all signify aging and death. People have to go out there and live life to the fullest - making sure they wash up, of course.

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This song means a lot to me - simple as that. I have it somewhere but I've lost it... where can I find it?

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I also don't hear anything in the song that points to it being about a relationship. It just isn't there. I do think the song is about being depressed. There are many references pointing to that in the lyrics and in the music itself.

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no one commented on this? just cause it's not an album track? it's AMAZING.

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Well put adrenalinegrl. I was gonna say the same thing.

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My Iron Lung EP

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i read that this was written after a long tour when thom stayed at home for a long time, the worms where his pets in a farm thing, and basicly describes staying in cos you feel low.

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also the worms "are dead"

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This song is so simple, yet really good. I read somewhere that it was recorded in one try, and it has never been played live.

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