15 Meanings
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Melatonin Lyrics

Don't forget that you are our son
Now go back to bed

We just know that you are ours
You won't cry too hard

Death to all who stand in your way
Wake, my dear
Song Info
Submitted by
vache On Jun 09, 2001
15 Meanings
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The lyrics evoke an image of childhood. Specifically, childhood at bedtime... the sleeplessness of youth when forced to go to bed early.

It's the parents' voice that we hear, and we are meant to listen to them as their child.

Obviously, these parents are a little sinister. They say things that your parents probably didn't: "death to all who stand in your way".

Thom is seeing a bit of oppression in the way parents treat their children in the way that they regulate their child's sleep patterns (occasionally, and probably in this case, they use drugs like melatonin).

For me, it's about fanaticism. Specifically, the blind fanaticism of a parent's love for a child. Thom sees something sinister in this relationship. (Personally, I agree with him. Parents often do fucked up things for a child's "own good.")

I think you're right on the money here.

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It's like a fucked-up lullaby.

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Probably the most underrated Radiohead song around. This one really cheers me up. The texture of it is sort of like a song version of the drug Melatonin....if that makes sense.

I have trouble sleeping, take melatonin, and this song sorta just sits right with me. Like if I faded off the face of the Earth, this song would play...

Yeah, I'm gonna keep on ramblin', ramblers...

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the lyrics here are wrong

the correct lyrics are: Don't forget that you are our son Now go back to bed

We just know that you'll do well You won't come to harm

Death to all who stand in your way Wake, my dear

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Look what I found: songmeanings.net/lyric.php

It's a page all about Just. In case you haven't noticed this page is about Melatonin.

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To me this song is about being sort of lost and nobody knows who you are, they just sort of accept you even though you don't want to be accepted... I don't know I may be way off... "Don't forget that you are our son Now go back to bed" is like they are reminding him who he is, and when he questions it they answer with: "We just know that you are ours, You won't cry too hard" and then finally even though he doesn't want to be theirs: "Death to all who stand in your way Wave my arms [at] you" can be seen as them threatening him when he tries to prove he isn't theirs... I may be WAY WAY off, but that's how I see it.

On a different note, anybody know what the guy was saying in the end of the video for "Just"?

do you really guys think there is actually a phrase he says that no one wants to make public? it's obvious that there's not even a director's idea on what the guy says.

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this song is haunting

and Kaisute Radiohead have sworn to take what ever the guy at the end of Just is saying to the grave

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Melatonin is a great sleeping aid :"Don't forget that you are our son Now go back to bed" ....My friend takes way too much of this stuff and it makes him horribly depressed "You won't cry too hard"... yes haunting

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evilgirl's right. there was also this craze like five or six years ago when everybody was saying that taking melatonin would seriously turn your biological clock back. it would make you young again. my parents were really into it. but that whole thing just kind of faded out, i guess.

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evilgirl's right. there was also this craze like five or six years ago when everybody was saying that taking melatonin would seriously turn your biological clock back. it would make you young again. my parents were really into it. but that whole thing just kind of faded out, i guess.

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