18 Meanings
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Down In The Park Lyrics

Down in the park
Where the machmen meet the machines
And play `kill-by-numbers'
Down in the park with a friend called `five'
I was in a car crash
Or was it the war
But I've never been quite the same
Little white lies like "I was there"

Come to "zom-zom's" a place to eat
Like it was built in one day
You can watch the humans
Trying to run

Oh look there's a rape machine
I'd go outside if he'd look the other way
You wouldn't believe
The things they do

"We are not lovers
We are not romantics
We are here to serve you"
A different face but the words never change

Down in the park
Where the chant is "death, death"
Until the sun cries morning
Down in the park with friends of mine
18 Meanings
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Man... Gary Numan did some seriously disturbed songs, this was a pretty good one, who better than Marilyn Manson to cover it.

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Indeed. I love the song. Any idea what the name of the song Marilyn did that was written by Charles Manson back in the day is? One of my friends had it on tape, and it's like, hella-rare.

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charles manson wrote some of the lyrics to the song dogma.

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Codeine... the song you're looking for is My Monkey, and Charlie's autobiography opens with "How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?"

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about the song that charles manson wrote i think he is looking for the song sick citiy allthough charles did rite some of my monkey's lyrics i herd the recordings from marilyn manson they r pretty good

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Brian covered Charlie's Sick City too... pretty rare spookykids track

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okay, doesn't he hate being refered to as brian? he deserves to be called marilyn manson, in the same manner as iggy pop.

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Just for those of you who don't know, he named himself after Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson, cos they're "2 American Icons".

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he named a lot of his band members after "American Icons" and to Gothic King- why are you so astounded? Have you truely never heard a manson fan reffer to him as Brian?
Rockstar001- I don't know if he hates it or not but i feel awkward calling him Brian. Brian seems personal and since ive had no further contact than touching him i don't feel comfortable with it. I don't truely know though. Maybe.

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