26 Meanings
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Who Said You Could Touch Me? Lyrics

You don't know I am so,
you can not get close to me and I don't know who you are,
so just leave me alone.
I know you can't believe the anxiety you're causing me
and I know you can't believe your fake compassion I don't need.
Get away from me,
You're standing too close.
Keep your hands off of me.
Keep away from me,
Just leave me alone,
who said you could touch me anyway?
Don't try to rub my shoulders and don't try to hold my hand.
Don't try to give me a fucking hug.
You crawl on me as if I were you very best of friends.
I don't even know your name.
26 Meanings
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I just think this song is about being kind of repulsed when you realize you've let someone you don't really know get really close to you, and then you just kind of like, jerk back, and tell them to stay away. I don't know, kind of a literal take on it.

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Umm yes. I"m pretty sure this song is about how chicks and people at shows and things feel that they can have free range of his body and touch him what not. And I don't think it's bitter at all stupidpunkkid, would you want some hormonal girl/guy grabbing your crotch? just becasue he's in a band doesn't mean that some fan has the right to touch him all over.

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well if it is about fans i can understand that, im sure he loves all of us, but its true, we dont know him, so we shouldnt expect him to act like it. i wouldnt want a bunch of people acting like they were my best friends when i have never even met them, i mean you have to expect it a little, but we all know there are some that take it wayyy over board. and i do love afi, but i cant say that i love davey, jade, hunter, or adam because i dont know them, (when i say afi i dont mean the people i mean as in the music and such) before you think of it being bitter put yourself in his position. surronded by hundreds of people every day that think they know him better than he does. fake people can drive you to insanity.

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if davey gave a fuck about you personally, he wouldnt write such good songs. is he supposed to write about all the nice things people do for him? and how much we all appreciate what hes doing? then wed end up with another pussy punk band

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Same kinda feel as 'This Secret Ninja'. I get the impression that as much as AFI appreciate their fans, Davey likes to keep himself to himself. Similar in some ways to Kurt Cobain.Jade and Adam are the more 'fun' characters.

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was Jade actually in the band at the time this song was released? I have this song on a Vinyl but I'm not sure which album it's from. Very Proud of Ya I think, and the guitarist is a guy called Mark. ...Maybe you just mean they're the fun characters at present though.

Still, great song by AFI as ever.

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No its on the shut your mouth and open your eyes album im pretty sure

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so this is about fans??? if it is thats kinna bitter...if i was famous id be grateful and id do as much as i could for my fans..hmm..

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hey thealmightymagz what about hunter? hes hella cool! has anyone noticed that hunter doesnt come out a lot on videos and shit? hes cool ppl shouldnt ignore him

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I totaly agree with madcappunk. Maybe 'cause this is a feeling that most of us, I bet, know well. And so it's very easy to relate to lyrics, even though when I read them at first, I thought they were a little bit cruel.

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