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High School Football Hero Lyrics

Wanna be a high school football hero with an S.A.T. score less then zero.
I wanna try to drink my weight in beer.
I wanna be a high school football hero.
Wanna score a touchdown so I can score after the game.
Don't care about my future
'cause it is just another day.
I'll rush for forty yards and drink four forties later on.
I'm done with this brunette, someone pass another blonde.
Wanna be a high school football hero with an S.A.T score less than zero.
I wanna try to drink my weight in beer.
I wanna be a high shcool football hero.
My coach tells me to drink my milk and wash it down with 'roids.
I've gotta get my rest so I can party with the boys.
My brain's put in upside-down so I'm just a little slow.
I'll change my name to Bubba so that
everyone will know I wanna be a high school football hero.
35 Meanings
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I think you are all hypocritical dumbshits. You don't want people to judge you but it's perfectly fine for you all to judge others. I mean, who cares? If you're cool, you're cool. Why does it matter if their hobbies include football? That makes them ego-freaks who hate everybody except for abercrombie wearing football players, huh? Don't get me wrong, I love AFI and, as a matter of fact, this song, but I really think he just wrote this song as a funny song, not to say football players are jerks. You are all real cool. Let me tell you, punk as shit.

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Could it be more obvious? It just insulting jocks, and I love it. Hehe. Check out Days of the Phoenix, I don't think it's on here, but if you liked UL's Seein' Red video, you'd enjoi the Days of the Phoenix video. I'm pretty sure it was done by the same guy, You decide.

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i sing this song to my lab partner thats a football player. he gets so mad.

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This song is great as is AFI. This song just carves jocks to pieces like a chainsaw to a tree-just the way it should be:)

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yeah jocks are gay especially the ones who go to shows and hear this song and are to dumb to figure out they are getting tore up.

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I say this song is funny becuase it makes fun of jocks. Those football players think their the "shitz!" Their even worse when they make varsity and brag about their whole life like a Ted Bundy. Don't get me wrong Ted Bundy is funny on "married with children" but i see thats the way their going to live in the future --Ten years later.

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I love this song and how fucking hilarious it is!!! I agree with INyearsTOcome, I absolutely hate the jocks that dont even get this song, but listen to it to be "cool". Thats the only thing thats starting to suck about afi, they are getting a lil too popular, kinda like what happened to The Offspring. But oh well, thats jus my opinion.

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the lyrics are good, but the song itself i find anoying. AFI though kicks alot of ass

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hey hey... not all jocks are bad... lol like 3 of my best friends play football... well one cant nemore cus he has a brain tumor... but the other two play! lol... but yeah some jocks piss me off... they can be so dumb lol... its weird cus the punkest kid at my skools old brother is the exact opposite.... hes like super jock dumb man

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Most Jocks are jerks. I've never meet any are nice. Most of them just call me names, or throw gum in my hair. But it's okay. One day they'll pump my gas, or do my laundry, or be the janitor for school. I could go on for hours....

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