Get On Top Lyrics
Sammy D and Salmonella
Come with me ‘cause I’m an ass killer
You’re ill but I’m iller
Give the finger to a cop and
Pick a lock before I’ll knock and
Set you up to get on top
Last temptation of my kind
Extra planetary sign
When do we align
All in time
Right on
The life of a Wife Swapper
Come with me ‘cause I’m a big bopper
You do but I wopper
You want to draw some straws
Be the one to see my flaws
Make me bleed with painted claws
Last temptation of my kind
Extra planetary sign
When do we align
All in time
Right on
Bottom Bitch and a Bottom Dollar
come with me ‘cause I’m a free faller
you hoot but I holler
Give the finger to a cop and
Pick a lock before I’ll knock and
Set you up to get on top
Get on Top
Get on Top

Well, just a shot in the dark... might be wrong... but:
I think the song is about a guy who wants to make an impression of a real bad-ass, if possible the greatest bad-ass of all time. "I'll malinger on your block and give the finger to a cop and pick a lock before I knock..."
He constantly compares himself to other potential bad-asses he meets, always ending up saying that HE is the better one at being a bad-ass, not them. Anything anybody around him does, he can do better or in a greater amount, especially when it is frowned upon. "You're ill but I'm iller", "You do but I wopper", "You hoot but I holler".
This guy is a real mothaf**ka and you should definitely watch out for him because he WILL do anything to succeed, even if it means to mistreat you. "(I'll) Set you up to get on top"

Yuk. One of my least favorite songs on the cd. But, it is a hark back to their some of their older songs (if you listen to What Hits?!, almost all of the songs are like this) and some fans will enjoy it. Possibly about being a bad-ass?

I like it..... I like when he says "Right on" in a real low voice I love deep voices.

I don't really like this song..., and can agree with dsfire. But well, what we gonna do about it.

I love this song. I think it s about living life out and being a badass while your at it.

Its great!

My friend thinks its bout a guy getting a hooker and not caring about unlegalness of prostitution... he might be right. I think it might be about one of the band members life experiences and being a tough guy as a teenager in California

Hey people! this song may not be great, but is good (in my opinion), i really like it... it;s not one of their best though.... "dsfire", your right, this song may be like the ones in what hits... but if you only know those, you should hear a little bit of their old stuff, like Red Hot Chili Peppers (the album) or The The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, etc...not only Californication or a compilation like What hits!... Most people that say they love RHCP, have only heard Californication or maybe something of OHM or blood sugar... . And they think they are real fans, and love this guys,and know everything about them... but they don't know shit of the chilis... i'm just saying, give it a try and listen to their old stuff.. it's incledible too

agreed shadowcml. I mean, I don't want to pick a fight with anyone I'm just saying, if you're a "new fan" thats great, just really listen to them. I think a good test to see if you REALLY like a band is to put their CD in and just listen to it....completely. Don't skip around to songs that are played on the radio or anything. Then see how you liked ALL the songs and if you could even listen to it all the way through. It's what I did to see if I really liked them. Found out i'm pretty much a die hard fan. I love these guys! I haven't heard much of their really old stuff (uplift mofo party) but I think I should. Thanks shadowcml! Love y'all! ~~Tessa~~
