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Girl Lyrics

From in the shadow she calls
And in the shadow she finds a way finds a way
And in the shadow she CRAWLS
Clutching her faded photograph my image UNDER her thumb
Yes with a message for my heart
Yes with a message for my heart

She's been everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own
Everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own

And in the doorway they stay
And laugh as violins fill with water
Screams from the BLUEBELLS can't make them go away
We'll I'm not seventeen but I've cuts on my knees
Falling down as the winter takes one more CHERRY TREE

She's been everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own
Everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own

Everyone else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own
rushin' rivers thread so thin limitation
Everyone else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own
dreams with the flying pigs turbid blue and the drugstores too safe in their
coats anda in their do's yeah
Everyone else's girl maybe one day maybe one day one day one day she'll be
her own
smother in our hearts a pillow to my dots

And in the mist there she rides
And castles are burning in my heart
And as I twist I hold tight
And I ride to work every morning wondering why
"Sit in the chair and be good now"
and become all that they told you
the white coats enter her room
and I'm callin' my baby callin' my baby callin' my baby callin'
Everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own
Everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own
Everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own
11 Meanings
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"the white coats enter her room and I\'m callin\' my baby callin\' my baby callin\' my baby callin\' Everybody else\'s girl maybe one day she\'ll be her own"

For me, this last bit connotes another generation coming, the whole song leads up from a young mother who has been rather loose minded giving birth (calling my baby, white coats entering her room - the womb) and maybe her child will be able to be strong minded enough to not be influenced and passed around so much.

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This girl is the proverbial doormat. She subjugates herself to the wills of everyone but herself, prioritizing her own needs last. The chorus reminds us that, though we must be giving and accommodating, we must not forget ourselves amid the shuffle of everyday life. Though others may try to oppress us, we must not allow ourselves to become scapegoats.

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We\'ll I\'m not seventeen but I\'ve cuts on my knees Falling down as the winter takes one more CHERRY TREE

Those lines struck me as being about rape. cherry, virginity, winter, the coldness, and it happend when she was like 17 or something. i could be wrong, just a guess. but yeah the rest i think is just the story of how this girl, weather it's tori or not, has a bad life by the way people treat her..walk on her... and how she's heading for nothing good.

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This was my theme song during my teenage years. My father even tried to identify me with it. Very interesting. How I could not save myself, though I wish I had.

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This was the first Tori Amos song I ever heard. To me, it seems like she is living her life for everyone else. Maybe not a doormat persay, just afraid to let down those who count on her. Maybe it is her parents living vicariously through her.

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About a girl who puts on a front to everyone and everything around her so tht she sparkles in their eyes though she is never true to herself.

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i find the association of childhood phrases "sit in the chair and be good now" hinting that part of growing up is letting go of what everyone else wants you to do and "she'll be her own" if she grows up and makes her own decisions.

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I don't know if this song is about Tori or just about a random girl. I read somewhere that she said in an interview that it was about a part of her personality. I can relate to that.

I think all of us have an "inner child" who will always be with us - a part of us who will never give up on who we wanted to be.

The song in this case is about Tori always being what her parents and then her fans wanted her to be: being everybody else's girl and never her own. It features a conflict between the adult - who she is - and the girl she used to be that still dreams.

This is a deeply symbolic song which says to me that it is personally about Tori – otherwise why bother with all the symbols?

------My long interpretation-----

The shadows of the first verse will then be the shadows of Tori's subconscious where the repressed girl cries out for attention and tries to break through. Her photograph is faded because she is a thing of the past. The "image" carries a double meaning because it can mean a picture but can also mean her public self. Tori’s current image is under the control of the girl. “yes” is not a simple yes – it comes with a silent message from her heart which can be interpreted as the voice of the girl.

“They” is not specific – it’s everyone and they only stay in the doorway of her heart. The violins filled with water is an image of great sadness because if I violin becomes filled with water it is destroyed. Violins may be symbolic of her hopes or dreams or aspirations and the public laughs as they are destroyed. She makes use of plant symbols in the bluebells and later the cherrytrees. Bluebells are said to help prevent nightmares, but even screaming the nightmare of the crowd laughing at her, won’t go away.

Cherry trees are a symbol of friendship. Even though the Tori in the song is not even 17 yet she has already been hurt by life: falling down as the coldness of life takes away another friend – which is an important thing to someone who lives for others.

The lyrics interlaced with the second chorus are complex but I think it’s more of a reflection of where her life is at the moment and how she smothers her dreams and desires or how they are smothered by those who try to help her cope with her feelings of depression–doctors/therapists/pharmacists. Rivers are always symbolic of life and her life’s energy is now spreading thin because of limitations and the fact that her dreams have as much chance of coming true as pigs flying. DOT is directly observed treatment/therapy where medical staff or a therapist will watch to make sure the patient takes the right number of pills etc. this seems the most sensible meaning for dots. While those who try and help her are kept safe from being affected by her depression by their professional distance (white coats, perfect hair dos, turbid blue uniforms), she is forced to smothers the voice in her heart (the one sending the silent message?).

Yet the girl is still in the mist of her consciousness even though castles (fairytale dreams) are being destroyed in her heart. Even though Tori twists to escape the life she’s living, at the same time she is clinging to it: she still rides to work every morning even though she is wondering why. The answer is simple: when she was little she was told to sit in the chair and be good and become everything that others wanted her to be. The medical people (mentioned above) try to help Tori by going into her subconscious (“the white coats enter her room”) and Tori (now in the present tense) is calling for the girl trying to find out who she really is and hoping one day she will be able to be herself.

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I like most imageries in this song. Especially "And castles are burning in my heart". And I thought it said "And as I twist I will die". The way the song climaxes in the middle of the song is very nice.

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I always thought it was about a girl having a crush on another (heterosexual) girl, and fantasizing about that girl falling in love with her, while she knows she's been "everybody else's girl", and will never be "her own". The end is about our girl hiding her lesbian passion under fake relationships, heterosexual 'romances' that family and friends would consider 'good' and 'quiet', but still calling her baby, and seeing hope of happiness slowly fading away. But that's just an intepretation, the introspective ones you have reported seem to be even more interesting.

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